Our COVID-19 weekday updates with city officials have ended, but will resume if there is any breaking news or urgent info. v to get out to the public.
Past updates can be found by clicking here.
See other COVID-19 related posts by clicking here
Yesterday it was announced that Lynn City Hall will be open to
the public again. Read more details by clicking here.
“Stop the Spread” testing launched
in 8 MA cities

The Commonwealth urges residents of these communities to get tested for COVID-19: Chelsea, Everett, Fall River, Lawrence, Lowell, Lynn, Marlborough, and New Bedford. The governor did not rule out expanding the initiative to other communities, or shifting resources as dictated by the public health data.
These eight communities were selected based on elevated cases in those cities, higher rates over spread over the past two weeks, high positive test rates over the past two weeks and declining test volume since the end of April. Residents of the eight communities represent 9 percent of the state’s population, but account for 27 percent of the positive cases detected over the past two weeks. The positive test rate of 8 percent in those cities also far exceeds the statewide rate of 1.9 percent, and testing is down 40 percent in these communities since the end of April.
Please note that LCHC offers services in English, Spanish, Haitian Creole, Khmer, & others via interpreter services.
Health Innovations will have a van that will be traveling to various locations throughout the City to administer tests. Locations below:
- 7/13-7/17 Parking Lot across from Sacred Heart Church on Boston Street
- 7/20-7/24 Parking Lot across from Sacred Heart Church on Boston Street
- 7/27-7/31 Parking Lot at Lynn Classical High School
- 8/3-8/7 Parking Lot at Wall Plaza on Church Street
- 8/10-8/14 Parking Lot at Lynn English High School
Lynn Police Department welcomes 18 new officers

From the LPD: The covid class of 2020 graduated from the NECC Police Academy today and were promptly sworn in at the station. These 18 officers are the largest group of new officers the department has hired in 25 years. Best of luck!
From Mayor Thomas McGee: Congratulations to the newly sworn in Lynn Police Officers! This class of 18 is the largest group of new officers the department has hired in 25 years. Thank you for your commitment to serving the residents of the a City of Lynn.
Lynn Street Resurfacings
**Weather permitting**
Wednesday, July 8, 2020 | Birch Street
Thursday, July 9, 2020 | Webster Street & Waitt Avenue
Friday, July 10, 2020 | Sutcliff Road & Savory Street
Monday, July 13, 2020 | Anchor Road & Martin Road
Lynn Family Forward Resource Center:
July 2020 updates
From the LFFRC: Below please find our July newsletter. We know things are quieting down for the summer so just a reminder that we are here to help and support with your families during this time whether it be educational support, parenting support, mental health concerns, give us a call and we can find an appropriate service that fits their needs! We are working on gathering some supplies for summer fun buckets as well as anti-racism kids books that we will be distributing later this month in lieu of our annual summer bash – details coming soon! If families need support with basic needs including food or hygiene items, we can support with that as well.
The Lynn Family Resource Center remains closed for walk-in services and our team continues to offer services remotely on a daily basis. Agencies, clients and families can reach us by calling our main line at 339-883-2401 or emailing lynnfrc@centerboard.org. The main line is answered Monday – Thursday 9AM – 5PM and Fridays 9AM – 1PM. If families call during off hours and leave a message, their call will be returned the next business day. Our family support workers, family partner, clinician and school liaisons are available and ready to help families in need of support, services or referrals.

Our virtual LGBTQ+ Youth Support Group is ongoing on Mondays from 3PM to 5PM. If interested please contact Olivia at ogrinstead@centerboard.org
Our parent/caregiver support group is ongoing on Wednesdays from 8PM – 9PM. If interested please contact Amanda at adiciero@centerboard.org
Our daily clinical phone support is available from 11AM – 1PM and 4PM – 6PM. Interested individuals can call 339-883-2401 and ask for Pam for English or Roxy for Spanish. No insurance required.
Our next session of Parenting Journey is scheduled to begin July 23rd. The group is full but we can add parents to a waitlist. There has been an overwhelming request for Parenting Journey during this time and we are doing our best to offer a another session soon. Parents can call now to register and complete an intake with Yari.
Reminder that we are still processing over the phone SNAP applications.
Please be sure to follow us on Facebook and Instagram, and check out our website, for the most up to date information!
Rebecca Laaser
Program Director , Lynn Family Forward Resource Center
Updates from state government
- As of Wednesday night, DPH reported a total of 104,961 cases of COVID-19. The state has now confirmed a total of 8,028 deaths from the virus.
- The House is scheduled to have a formal session on Thursday & are expected to take up legislation dealing with increasing DCF accountability and management of EEE. The House Ways and Means Committee on Tuesday advanced a 33-page rewrite of the bill (H 4163), which mandates DCF to submit more frequent and detailed accountability reports to the Legislature and creates a team within the office of the state child advocate to review deaths of children in state care.The bill would also convene a task force to outline additional steps toward ensuring vulnerable children in the department’s care are safe and receiving services they need. Another section of the bill instructs DCF to submit a special report on the impacts of virtual and video technology used for services during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The Senate is scheduled to have a formal session on Thursday where they are scheduled to take up police reform legislation. The bill (S 2800) that Senate leaders outlined Monday includes a suite of reforms including the creation of a certification and de-certification process for law enforcement officers. Its goals, according to senators, include bolstering police accountability, reducing the risk of misconduct, fighting racism and promoting de-escalation techniques.
- Investigators have so far detected more than 58,000 fraudulent unemployment claims in Massachusetts amid an alleged national criminal scheme, but state officials still have not disclosed how much money paid out in error. The state Department of Unemployment Assistance announced Monday that it verified 58,616 fraudulent claims through June 20, the first insight into the scale of the false applications since officials announced the problem in May. Through the same span, the department recovered $158 million in fraudulent claims, it announced Monday. Ernst & Young has been hired by the state to conduct a forensic accounting as part of the fraud investigation.
From Mayor McGee’s office: The Lynn Public Health Department has confirmed that as of today, the number of active, confirmed positive COVID-19 cases is 558 with 6 new cases today. 3,053 Lynn residents have recovered and 104 have died. The total number of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in Lynn since March 21, 2020, including those who have died and recovered, is 3,715. Please visit the new City of Lynn COVID-19 Data Dashboard which is updated daily.
We will continue to provide regular updates on COVID-19 through the City website (www.lynnma.gov), social media, and the Smart 911 emergency notification system (sign up at www.smart911.com).
If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.