FEBRUARY 12, 2021
See our COVID-19 related posts by clicking here.
Lynn is currently in Phase 3, Step 1 of the MA Reopening Plan. Click here for more info.
A vaccination site has opened at Lynn Tech, find out more & see a video tour by clicking here.
Weekly COVID-19 numbers from Massachusetts Dept. of Public Health

Every week the MA Dept. of Public Health releases numbers for how COVID-19 has impacted the state, and we try to highlight some of these numbers so the community is informed about how COVID is impacting Lynn & the state. Their numbers factor in the past week as well as the week before, giving 2 weeks worth of data.
The City of Lynn is still a high-risk community, passing 15,000 total cases last Wednesday. Lynn currently has approx. 449 active cases, down from 1,100 cases last week, which is the lowest amount the city has seen since late October. The lowest number of active cases in Lynn was 278 back in early October, while the highest was approx. 2.2K in both mid-May 2020 & mid-January 2021. Lynn frequently set records for new 24-hour cases, but that hasn’t been broken since January 5th (210) & the number of new cases hasn’t been above 80 since Feb. 4th. The frequency of deaths in Lynn have also decreased, with only 21 deaths in January. Overallthe numbers are trending very well for Lynn, but there is concern a lack of vaccine availability and the coming warmer weather could cause a spike in cases. With those factors in mind it is still recommended to take COVID-19 seriously until you’ve been fully vaccinated, & even after to still mask up and distance for at least a little while to help mitigate the spread to ensure those that aren’t able to get the vaccine yet remain healthy.
The average daily incidence rate per 100,000 for Lynn this week was 43.7. The last 4 weeks it was at 57.2, 71.2, 92.4, & 127.2. The positivity rate this week was 6.89%. The last 4 weeks this rate was 8.19%, 9.12%, 10.70%, & 12.87%. These are all positive trends for Lynn, which hasn’t seen consistently good numbers like this for months. You can view these trends for Lynn yourself on the City of Lynn’s COVID-19 dashboard by clicking here. You can click the icon in the top-right corner of each section to see it enlarged.
The state of Massachusetts has also seen some positive trends overall. The average daily incidence rate per 100,000 for MA this week was 30.0. The last 3 weeks it has been 38.5, 48.9, & 59.4. The positivity rate this week was 2.70. The last 3 weeks it has been 3.40%, 4.32%, & 5.51%.
The United States currently has 27.9 million cases, up from 27.4 million last week. The US has consistently added 1 million cases a week for several weeks, this is the first week in a long time that hasn’t happened. There are currently 110 million cases reported worldwide, up from 107 million last week. Daily records had been broken frequently for new cases & deaths within 24 hours in early January, proving right predictions that the holiday season would lead to higher numbers. However new case numbers are dropping, and deaths have remained fairly consistent, the past couple of weeks.
The death toll in the US now sits at approx. 493K, up from 475K last week. It is expected that the U.S. will surpass 500,000 dead over the next week, which will account for about 20% of all COVID-19 deaths worldwide. The U.S. has approx. 330K more dead nation-wide than the next lowest death total, 230K in Brazil . The last time that the 24-hour deaths record was set in the U.S. was February 12th, with approx. 5,463 dying. The 7-day average for deaths in the United States sits at 2,530.
In Massachusetts there are currently 66 communities in the red category & 166 in the yellow category. The last 4 weeks there were 120, 153, 192, & 222. communities in the red. The last 4 weeks there were 137, 108, 80, & 55 communities in the yellow.

In late fall Mass DPH began to use a different system for categorizing communities, based off their populations. Communities with populations less than 10,000 residents, between 10,000 & 50,000 residents, & more than 50,000 residents have had new metrics applied to them. Their results fall into 4 color categories; grey, green, yellow, & red. Positivity rates & average daily cases will continue to be determined by two-week rolling average. Officials say the new categories help to make the community-specific data more nuanced, and better account for increases in cases in smaller communities. They will also incorporate examples where cases at colleges, nursing homes, or jails may push an entire community into the red category. The new metrics are as follows:
- For communities with fewer than 10,000 residents:
- Grey = 10 or fewer cases
- Green = 15 or fewer cases
- Yellow = 25 or fewer cases
- Red = More than 25 cases.
- For communities with between 10,000 and 50,000 residents:
- Grey = 10 or fewer cases
- Green = Less than 10 average cases per 100,000 residents & more than 10 cases
- Yellow = 10 or more cases per 100,000 residents or a test positivity rate of 5% or more
- Red = 10 or more cases per 100,000 residents and a test positivity rate of 5% or more
- For communities with more than 50,000 residents:
- Grey = 15 cases or less
- Green = 10 average cases per 100,000 residents and more than 15 cases
- Yellow = 10 or more cases per 100,000 residents or a test positivity rate of 4% or more
- Red = 10 or more cases per 100,000 residents and a test positivity rate of 4% or more
Below are the statistics for Lynn & the state.
City/Town | Total Case Count | Case Count (Last 14 Days) | Average Daily Incidence Rate per 100,000 (Last 14 days) | Relative Change in Case Counts | Total Tests | Total Tests (Last 14 days) | Total Positive Tests (Last 14 days) | Percent Positivity (Last 14 days) | Change in Percent Positivity |
Lynn | 14,976 | 617 | 43.7 | Lower | 176,161 | 11,263 | 776 | 6.89% | Lower |
STATEWIDE | 533,024 | 29,269 | 30.0 | Lower | 15,140,864 | 1,261,833 | 34,108 | 2.70% | Lower |
If you would like to find out full statistics for the entire state, including maps & town-by-town data, you can find the full weekly report from MA Dept. of Public Health by clicking here (link downloads a PDF).
Previous Weekly Public Health Reports can be found by clicking here.
All information above was obtained via official state & federal sources.

Find a mass vaccine location near you by clicking here.
Schedule an appointment at the Lynn Tech Vaccination site by clicking here.
For phasing details and the most up-to-date status of where MA is in our vaccination timeline please click here.


City of Lynn Election Calendar 2021, more info for candidates & voters

Below is a list of upcoming dates of significance in the 2021 City of Lynn Election cycle. This year all those seated on the City Council & School Committee are up for re-election, as well as Mayor of the City of Lynn. LCTV will bring back the election section on our website and our (free) extensive coverage of the campaigns when we get closer to the summer.
- Monday, March 22, 2021 – Nomination Papers will be available
- Friday June 25th – 4 PM: Last Day and Hour to take out nomination papers.
- Monday June 28th – 4 PM: Last Day and Hour to file Nomination papers.
- Tuesday July 27th – 5 PM: Last Day and Hour for the Board of Election Commissioners for certification. Deadline to certify for Municipal Offices in the City
- Monday August 2nd – 10 AM: Drawing for ballot positions in Election Office, Room 203
- Wednesday, August 25th – 8 PM: Last day to register to vote for Preliminary Election
Friday, September 24th – 5 PM: Last day and hour to file for Recount
Tuesday, September 28th – 10 AM: Drawing for ballot positions Room 203, City Hall
Wednesday, October 13th – 8 PM: Last day to register to vote for Final Election
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12th – 5 PM: Last day and hour to file for Recount
Number of signatures on nomination papers
- MAYOR: 500 signatures, not more than 150 of which shall be from any one Ward.
- COUNCILOR AT LARGE OR SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEMBER: 350 signatures, not more than 100 of which shall be from any one Ward.
- WARD COUNCILOR: 100 signatures from the Ward.
cover for non-voters. Nomination papers are only given to candidates or their agents appointed in writing.
How to register to vote
In order to register to vote online, you must have a signature on file with the Registry of Motor Vehicles. If you currently have a Massachusetts driver’s license or state ID card, you may use the online voter registration application to register, update your address, or change your party affiliation.
Voter registration forms submitted online must be submitted by midnight on the date of the voter registration deadline.
How to I register to vote in person?
If you would like to register in-person, you may do so at the Lynn Election Office Room 203, Lynn City Hall, as well as at the Elections Division of the Secretary of the Commonwealth’s office.
How do I register to vote by mail?
If you prefer to register by mail, please obtain and complete a mail-in registration form. To obtain a mail-in registration form please call our Election office at 781-586-6803 or you can download the National Voter Registration form.
Helpful links
- City of Lynn Election results for 2008-2020
- City of Lynn Campaign Finance Reports for 2010-2020
- Find out where to vote with this form from the state or this interactive map LCTV created.
- City of Lynn Election officer application (link downloads PDF)
The info. above is all courtesy of the office of the City of Lynn Chief of Elections.
LCTV celebrating National Poetry Month, submit to our Poetry Jam by March 31st!
We are looking for local poets & spoken word artists to submit performances to us to help us celebrate National Poetry Month in April. Please see the flier below for more information on this production, and help us spread the word by sharing with your friends & family! Stay tuned for broadcast details.

Free bi-weekly food distribution at NSCC’s Danvers Campus, starting March 3rd

Farmers to Families food boxes available to ALL families in need.
NSCC Danvers Campus, 1 Ferncroft Rd., every other Wednesday, starting March 3, 2021, 10a.m.-noon.
The Farmers to Families food boxes contain 32 lbs. of perishable and nonperishable food items including fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products and meat products.
You MUST pre-register to receive a box. Please click here and choose the Danvers location.
This distribution is made possible by Massachusetts Military Support Foundation and North Shore Community College.
The above info. is courtesy of North Shore Community College.
Updates from state government
As of Thursday night, DPH reported a total of 534,827 cases of COVID-19. The state reported 1,803 new confirmed cases. The state has now confirmed a total of 15,373 deaths from the virus.
- When Governor Baker announced Wednesday that people 65 years old or older, the residents and staff of affordable and low-income housing for seniors, and people with two or more health conditions that put them at higher risk for hospitalization or death would be able to start booking vaccination appointments at 8 a.m. Thursday, it represented roughly a doubling of the number of people eligible for the limited number of vaccine doses.
- Demand for COVID-19 vaccine doses among the roughly one million people who became eligible to receive them Thursday morning was overwhelmed the state’s vaccination scheduling website, causing it to crash. The state said it had not added the more than 70,000 appointments that Gov. Baker said would become available at 8 a.m. to the system by the time it failed. Appointments will be made available soon and will be released throughout the morning.
- People visiting the website after 8 a.m. Thursday were met with a message that “this application crashed.” Visitors were advised to try again later. The website appeared to be back up at about 10 a.m., though it was unclear whether the new appointments had been added at that point.
- At least some of the vaccine doses already allotted to Massachusetts this week will not arrive here until Monday, and the state’s COVID-19 Command Center is working with providers to determine how the delay might affect appointments that have already been booked. The state is shifting its existing inventory of COVID-19 vaccine doses around, too, in an attempt to fulfill existing appointments until the delayed shipment arrives. The cause of the delay, an administration official said, was staffing shortages at vaccine manufacturing facilities.
- Earlier Thursday, Baker said he and other governors had requested permission to send the National Guard to Kentucky and Tennessee to pick up and bring back the states’ next batches of COVID-19 vaccine doses as the southern part of the country deals with unusually cold and wintry weather. It is unclear whether that request was denied, but administration officials said late Thursday afternoon that the National Guard had not been activated.
- Governor Baker believes a new pooled testing program coming to some K-12 school districts next week will offer a “valuable tool” in the fight to keep COVID-19 contained, but he did not offer a clear response Thursday when asked about the top House Democrat’s desire to see educators gain immediate vaccine access. Governor Baker neither openly embraced nor rejected it, instead recounting a push the U.S. Centers for Disease Control made to prioritize adults 65 and older and those with two or more comorbidities. Governor Baker also pointed to a pooled testing program he said will roll into many schools next week, which would bundle together several samples and test them at once, then re-test everyone in any batch with a positive result, as a means of screening schools more widely and rapidly.
- The Legislature adopted an order (H 66) Thursday formally establishing a 28-member bicameral committee tasked with studying redistricting in Massachusetts, releasing reports, and making recommendations to be filed with the House and Senate clerks. Rep. Michael Moran will serve as the House co-chair of the Joint Committee on Redistricting and while Sen. William Brownsberger serves as the chair of the Senate Committee on Redistricting, it was not immediately clear if he would also serve as a co-chair of the joint committee.
- The House also agreed to a Senate amendment to an order (H 65) relative to the Soldiers’ Home in Holyoke Oversight Committee, changing the text to allow the Senate president to designate a Senate co-chair.
- A collection of education and civil rights groups wrote to state lawmakers on Wednesday, saying they are “absolutely convinced” the state should not administer its MCAS exams this year. Citizens for Public Schools and 17 other organizations urged legislators and state education officials to seek a federal waiver that would allow them to cancel the tests this spring, as Massachusetts did last year when the COVID-19 pandemic first upended schooling and forced students and teachers to adapt to remote learning.
- Signatories include the presidents of the American Federation of Teachers Massachusetts, Boston Teachers Union, Massachusetts Teachers Association and NAACP New England Area Conference, as well as the executive directors of Lawyers for Civil Rights and the Massachusetts Education Justice Alliance. Two members of the state Board of Elementary and Secondary Education student representative Jasper Coughlin and parent representative Mary Ann Stewart also signed on.
- Justices of the state’s highest court promoted John Bello to administrator of the Massachusetts Trial Court, elevating him to a role where he will oversee the day-to-day functioning of the courts amid a pandemic that has upended judicial operations. Bello, who has served as associate court administrator since December 2017, will take over the top job starting March 1, the Supreme Judicial Court announced Thursday. He will succeed Jonathan Williams, who departed in December after more than three years in the role.
- Boston Mayor Marty Walsh’s top legal counsel Eugene O’Flaherty is leaving City Hall and returning to private practice as Walsh waits to be confirmed by the U.S. Senate as the next secretary of labor. Walsh’s former chief of staff Dan Koh will join the Labor Department as Walsh’s chief of staff starting on Tuesday.
- Federal regulators will reexamine the Weymouth compressor station, a controversial natural gas project that already received authorization to begin operations, in the wake of two emergency shutdowns at the site last fall. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission announced Thursday that it established a paper briefing process to “further examine public safety concerns associated with the operation of the Weymouth Compressor Station.” On Sept. 24 FERC gave Enbridge and its subsidiary Algonquin Gas Transmission permission to put the station into service.
- Boston Mayor Marty Walsh signed an executive order Thursday setting a goal that 25 percent of city spending and contracting be done with minority- and women-owned businesses, following the completion of a city-wide disparity study that recommended structural reforms. The order says 15 percent of spending should head toward women-owned businesses and 10 percent toward minority-owned businesses. The city will also invest $2 million into the creation of a supplier diversity program tasked with working with city departments to “foster the full participation of minority- and women-owned businesses in pursuing contracting opportunities,” according to a summary of the order.
Special thanks to MassAccess for providing us this summary.
From Mayor McGee’s office: The Lynn Public Health Department has confirmed that as of today, the number of active, confirmed positive COVID-19 cases is 449 with 31 new cases today. 14,703 Lynn residents have recovered and 192 have died. The total number of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in Lynn since March 21, 2020, including those who have died and recovered, is 15,344. Please visit the City of Lynn COVID-19 Data Dashboard which is updated daily.
Veterans’ Services Announces Veterans COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic for those 50+ on VA Healthcare
Lynn-Swampscott Veterans’ Services announces that the Department of Veterans Affairs Bedford will host a “Veterans COVID-19 Vaccination Clinic” in Lynn this Saturday, February 20 from 9:00am-4:00pm at the Breed Middle School at 90 O’Callaghan Way. Any veteran who is 50 and older and enrolled in the VA Healthcare is eligible to receive the vaccine at the Lynn clinic. To make an appointment, veterans may contact the VA 781-687-4000 and Lynn-Swampscott veterans may also contact the Lynn-Swampscott Department of Veterans’ Services at 781-586-6911.
COVID-19 vaccine appointments are available at Lynn Tech Fieldhouse for people who live or work in Lynn & Nahant or are Lynn Community Health Center Patients and meet state eligibility requirements (Massachusetts Phase 1 & Phase 2 Step 1 & 2: 65 year of age or older or with two or more chronic health conditions. Residents age 75+ may be accompanied by one caregiver who can book an appointment themselves.) Please visit to make an appointment online. Residents can call 2-1-1 to make an appointment 7 days a week.
Please visit for the most up to date COVID-19 testing information, as well as more detailed information on the State and City of Lynn’s Reopening Guidelines. We will continue to provide regular updates on COVID-19 through the City website (, social media, and the Smart 911 emergency notification system (sign up at
If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.