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2021 Salvation Army Food Pantry information

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Volunteers working in the food pantry. Photo courtesy of Salvation Army of Lynn.

All who use the food pantry are now required to register, as they have before the pandemic but now with a new and much faster system.

It is WAY faster if you preregister (especially if you have a large family)!
Clicking below, takes you to a link where you can pre-register and select your preferred language. You do not have to preregister it is just faster if you do.
The food pantry is at 1 Franklin St. from 12-3 Tuesday- Friday
***You can come for food every 15 days (once every 2 weeks).
Bring proof of address
(If walking bring something to carry the food.)
Bread will also be available week days from 10 – 5:00 while it lasts.)
Please click here to register.

The Salvation Army is in need of volunteers to help with food pantry registration. It requires minimum computer ability. (It is entering basic information on a touch Screen IPad.) The pantry is open T-F 12-3, we could use people at any time in those hours. They don’t have to stay the whole time. It is located at 1 Franklin Street.

For more information, please call 781-598-0673 or just stop by. There is a simple form that needs to be completed.


Photo courtesy of Salvation Army of Lynn.

Todos los que usan la despensa de alimentos ahora deben registrarse, como lo habían hecho antes de la pandemia, pero ahora con un sistema nuevo y mucho más rápido. ¡Es MUCHO más rápido si se preinscribe (especialmente si tiene una familia numerosa)!  Al hacer clic a continuación, lo lleva a un enlace donde puede preinscribirse y seleccionar su idioma preferido.

No es necesario que se registre previamente; si lo hace, es más rápido. La despensa de alimentos está en 1 Franklin St. de 12 a 3 de martes a viernes *** Puede venir a comer cada 15 días (una vez cada 2 semanas). Traiga comprobante de domicilio (Si va caminando, lleve algo para llevar la comida). El pan también estará disponible los días de semana de 10 a 5:00 mientras dure.

The above information was submitted to us by the Salvation Army of Lynn.

If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.

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