LCTV News Interview | The Recovery Exchange – A Peer Support Center (October 20, 2023)
On this edition of the Lynn Lowdown we welcomed on The Recovery Exchange. Kim Patterson (Program Director) & (Peer Coordinator) joined us to discuss what The Recovery Exchange does, how the center is member-driven, and more. Their mission is to assist those recovering from substance abuse disorder to become stable, learn how to operate in the community, long-term recovery, and more. To learn more about The Recovery Exchange call 339-499-5903, email, or visit them at 35 Exchange Street. ____________________________________ THE LCTV NEWS IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, ENCOMPASS HEALTH, & LEO, INC! If your organization would like to sponsor our weekly news show please call 781-780-9460 ____________________________________ The LCTV News is a weekly news program highlighting several big news stories in Lynn, video showcases of organizations and places in Lynn, interviews with movers and shakers within the Lynn community, and more.
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