LCTV News | May 3, 2024 – Full broadcast
This week on LCTV News we cover some of the big headlines of the past week including an arrest made in the stabbing at KIPP, Lynn’s zoning survey, protests against evictions, and more big news from this past week. We also show recaps of the annual Khmer New Year celebration, May Day rally, and more from over the last week.
Junior Achievement of Greater Boston were our guests on this edition of the Lynn Lowdown. President/CEO Radhames Nova joined us to talk about career fairs, seminars, and programs they offer along with expanding their presence in Lynn. Junior Achievement of Greater Boston inspires and prepares young people for the global economy.
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THE LCTV NEWS IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, ENCOMPASS HEALTH, LEO INC, & COMMUNITY BROTHERHOOD CREDIT UNION! If your organization would like to sponsor our weekly news show please call 781-780-9460
The LCTV News is a weekly news program highlighting several big news stories in Lynn, video showcases of organizations and places in Lynn, interviews with movers and shakers within the Lynn community, and more. It is produced and anchored by LCTV’s News Director Dani Vittori. Watch full episodes at or on our Public Access Channel at 6AM & 6PM every Monday-Saturday.
If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.