ARPA Funding Feedback Survey for 6 parks, presentations at next Parks Commission Meeting
The City of Lynn has allocated $16M toward park improvements at Breed Park, Gallagher Park, Keaney Park, Kiley Park, Lynn Woods, and McManus Park. The goal is to replace and improve the existing facilities in each of these parks.
The City is seeking the public’s input on the proposed concepts to guide their decision-making. Please review the proposed designs on the ARPA-Funded Park Improvements Survey to provide feedback and what you think is most important for each park project.

There will also be a Parks Commission meeting on March 1stat 5pm for the community to have an opportunity to review and share feedback on the initial plans, concepts, and designs for the six parks receiving improvements through the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding.
The flyers are below, and here is a link to the webpage with further information.

The above information was submitted to us by Mayor Jared Nicholson’s office.
If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.

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