Cómo hacerse una prueba de COVID-19 en casa (Español) | PSA
En este anuncio de servicio público, Jennifer Almontes, enfermera de salud pública de la ciudad de Lynn, demuestra la...
How to take a COVID-19 test at home (English) | PSA
In this PSA Jennifer Almontes, Public Health Nurse for the City of Lynn, demonstrates the proper way to use...
Medical debt | PSA
Medical debt is the cause of 66% of bankruptcies in the United States. These tips can help you stay...
How to help slow the spread of COVID-19 | PSA
Even now COVID-19 is still being studied, but there are still things you can do to reduce the spread...
Guía electoral de la ciudad de Lynn – Español | PSA
Como parte de la misión de LCTV, cubrimos las elecciones municipales cuando ocurren en Lynn. Este anuncio de servicio...
City of Lynn Election Guide – English | PSA
As part of LCTV’s mission, we cover municipal elections when they occur in Lynn. This PSA was developed by...
PSA-Emergency Broadband Benefit
The Emergency Broadband Benefit is a new FCC program to help families and households who are struggling to afford...
Lynn Police Department showcases new body cameras – Available in English, Haitian Creole, & Spanish
This PSA is available in English, Haitian Creole, & Spanish. All languages are below. Lynn Police Department’s new body...
Nuevas cámaras corporales del Departamento de Policía de Lynn – Español | PSA
Los oficiales del Departamento de Policía de Lynn presentan su nuevo sistema de cámara corporal. Repasan cómo operan las...
Nouvo kamera kò Depatman Polis Lynn – kreyòl ayisyen | PSA
Ofisye nan Depatman Polis Lynn prezante nouvo sistèm kamera kò yo. Yo ale sou ki jan yo opere kamera...
LCHC: “Get Your COVID-19 Vaccine” PSA – Available in English, French, Haitian Creole, Russian, & Spanish
This PSA is available in English, French, Haitian Creole, Russian, & Spanish. All languages are below. LCHC: “Get your...
LCHC: “Сделайте вакцину против COVID-19” – Русский | PSA
Врачи из общественного центра здоровья Линн рассказывают о том, почему важно получить вакцину от COVID-19, насколько безопасно ее принимать...