Below is the City of Lynn’s trash & recycling schedule for July 2022 – June 2023, courtesy of the Lynn DPW & Waste Management.

Trash and recyclables must be placed curbside no later than 7 a.m. and no earlier than 5 p.m. on the previous day.
If your trash was missed or to report damaged containers, contact the DPW from 7:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at 781-268-8000. Do not place any of the following in your trash: non-empty aerosol cans, appliances, automotive batteries, chemical containers, construction debris, leaf and yard waste, flat-screen TVs or CRT monitors. For bulky materials, or to lease additional trash or recycle containers, contact WM at 1-800-972-4545. Compost bins are available at the DPW for $50.
What can I put in the recycle cart?
- Newspapers/inserts
- Cardboard
- Cereal and cracker boxes
- Junk mail
- Office paper
- Phone books
- Magazines and catalogs
- Brown paper bags
- Glass bottles and jars
- Plastic bottles and containers
- Food and beverage cans
Note: Keep recyclables clean and dry. Do not bag recyclables.
What can’t I put in the recycle cart?
- Plastic bags/wraps
- Metal scraps
- Appliances
- TVs/computer monitors
- Batteries
- Styrofoam
- Light bulbs
- Auto/window glass
- Dishes and glasses
- Garden hoses
- Mirrors
- Hazardous materials
- Paint/oil cans
- Clothing/Textiles
- Paint or aerosols
- Chemical containers
- Automobile tires
- Construction debris
Helpful hints
- For containers to be recycled, please rinse, and remove corks, rings and wraps and flatten all cardboard.
- Trash overflow bags (purple) vendor list available at lynnma.gov.
- Items for waste collection or donations for pick-up cannot be placed upon the ground.
- Needles must be in a rigid container. Return to City Hall, 1st floor. No loose needles.
- For furniture to be picked up curbside by WM, the cost will be $25.30 per item. Residents must call WM at 1-800-972-4545.
The following services are for Lynn residents only, and an ID is required.
Computer monitors, TVs, propane tanks
Computer monitors, TVs and propane tanks can be dropped off at 250 Commercial St. Monday through Thursday from 8:30
a.m. to 2:30 p.m. There is a $25 charge for monitors and TVs, $5 for propane tanks.
Leaf and yard waste pickup
Leaf and yard waste may be dropped off every Saturday from April 9 – December 17, 2022. You may place yard waste curb-side on your regular trash day during the weeks highlighted on the above calendar. Leaves, grass and other materials should be placed in barrels or paper leaf bags.
Bulky Item Days
The DPW will hold Bulky Item days for large items and fluorescent light bulbs at Covanta, 247 Commercial St., Lynn, MA. 01905, on during the days highlighted on the above calendar. No appliances, construction material or wood. Driver licenses must be presented. No commercial vehicles nor U-Haul trucks allowed. Fluorescent light bulbs may also be dropped off at the DPW Monday through Thursday from 8:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Hazardous Waste
Hazardous waste may be dropped off at 250 Commercial St., on 8/27/22, 10/15/22 and 5/20/23 from 8 a.m. to noon. Payment required.
Christmas tree/leaf and yard waste pickup
Christmas tree and leaf and yard waste pickup will be Jan. 9-13, 2023.
Snow Emergency
During the winter months, Snow Emergency parking bans may be announced through various communication outlets and indicated by the blue lights around the city. All cars must be moved off the street during parking bans, or will be subject to fines and towing.
The above information is courtesy of the Lynn DPW.
If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.