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Councilor Buzzy Barton passes away at age 70

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Councilor At-Large Gordon “Buzzy” Barton has passed away at the age of 70 after a brief illness. Barton devoted himself to the city and its community over the decades as a firefighter, coach, activist, elected official, and friend to many. Buzzy served as Councilor At-Large from 2012 until his passing, intending to run aagin this year. He worked as a firefighter from 1976-2004 and was President of local chapter of the International Association of Fire Fighters

Statements remembering Councilor Barton have been released by the family and city officials. We will update this article with any additional statements.

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From the Barton & Bradley families

On behalf of the Barton and Bradley family, we would like to send our heartfelt appreciation for the outpouring of support we have received over the past 48 hours. While we had hoped to get Buzzy home to Lynn, you all stepped up and brought Lynn to him. He loved his great city and continued to represent it with immense pride until his final hour.

As we continue to process this unimaginable and untimely loss, we ask for your continued prayers, love and patience in getting back to you. We would like to extend our deepest appreciation for the the doctors, nurses and staff at Brigham and Women’s Hospital for providing exceptional and compassionate care, as well as, allowing hundreds of friends and family to visit over the past 48 hours.

In true Buzzy fashion, his final wish was to help someone else and with the help of New England Organ Bank he will give the gift of eyesight to a very needy recipient. We invite you to share your best Buzzy memories here to help us in celebrating his life.

From the Lynn City Council

“Lynn lost a true gentleman today and is a lesser place as a result,” said Council President Jay Walsh announcing the sudden passing of life-long Lynner and long-time City Councilor, Gordon “Buzzy” Barton. Barton was first elected as Councilor-at-Large in 2011 and served continuously for the past 11 years, often “topping the ticket.” Born and raised in Lynn, Buzzy was the son of Gordon “Bump” and Virginia Barton. Buzzy was the very embodiment of a true Lynner. With his booming, scratchy voice, Buzzy was admired and respected by friends, neighbors, colleagues, student-athletes and family, especially by his seven older sisters.

Buzzy was employed as a former Lynn Firefighter from 1976 through 2004 and served as Union President for four years. Buzzy achieved success as a Lynn firefighter, union official, boys’ and girls’ basketball coach and as an elected leader who was unanimously elected Council Vice­ President by his Council colleagues for the past eight years. Whether it be cheering on his beloved “Bulldogs” or “Eagles” from his seats on the 50 yard line at Alumni Stadium or sitting in the Lynn Council Chambers, Buzzy was loyal to his very core — loyal to his immediate and extended family, loyal to his friends, loyal to his work and to his council colleagues. And perhaps most of all — LOYAL to the City of Lynn.

“Although a man of few words in the public arena, Lynn City Councilors and city employees listened whenever Buzzy spoke on an issue,” said Walsh. As a City Councilor, Buzzy tirelessly advocated for issues effecting public safety, Lynn’s senior population, and persons of color. With Buzzy, you always knew where he stood and what he believed. There was never a hidden agenda which was so refreshing in this era of politics. An October 2021, a LYNN ITEM profile quoting Buzzy may have summed up his commitment and dedication to the city he loved the best:  “l just like helping people.” Barton said of being a Lynn City Councilor: “It just puts me in a position where I can help a lot of people on a big scale … a lot of seniors and a lot of people of color. And just everybody in the city; I treat everybody the same.”

On one matter, the entire Lynn City Council can all agree… Whenever any City Councilor speaks too long on an issue, Buzzy will be bellowing from Heaven the following words, ·’CALL THE ROLL!!”.

Rest in Peace Buzzy, from your Colleagues on the Lynn City Council

From Mayor Jared Nicholson

Councilor Barton was an amazing leader, great friend, and a truly good man. It is hard to think of anything to do with the City of Lynn without him. He cared passionately about his City and all of its people, including the so many individuals he knew and loved. He protected Lynn as a public servant, made it a fairer and more just place, and brought joy into the lives of so many through his humor, warmth, and kindness.

Councilor Barton was a trailblazer in many ways and on many fronts, always driven by an unshakeable decency and a natural ability to bring people together. He served as a role model for countless people, including myself. I send my deepest condolences to his family and loved ones.


El Consejal Barton fue un líder increíble, un gran amigo, y realmente un buen hombre. Es dificil pensar en la Ciudad de Lynn sin él. Él se preocupaba apasionadamente por la Ciudad y toda su gente, incluyendo a las tantas personas que conoció y amó. Él protegió a Lynn como servidor público, la hizo una ciudad más justa y equitativa, y trajo alegría a las vidas de muchos a través de su humor, calidez, y gentileza.

El Consejal Barton fue un pionero de muchas maneras y en muchos frentes, siempre impulsado por una decencia inquebrantable y una capacidad natural para unir a la gente. El sirvió como modelo para innumerables personas, entre las que me incluyo. Envío mi más sentido pésame a su familia y seres queridos.

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