Drainage Operations & Lane Closure at Euclid Avenue/Broadway From July 19, 22, & 23

There will be drainage operations being conducted at the corner of Euclid Avenue/Broadway on Friday, July 19th, Monday, July 22nd, and Tuesday, July 23rd from 7:00am-3:30pm.
The right lane going outbound from Euclid Avenue to Broadway will be closed. There will be a detour with details in place from Euclid Avenue to take a left on Magnolia Avenue and to take a right on Conomo Avenue, which leads to Broadway. Motorists coming from the Peabody end of Broadway can take a left onto Euclid Avenue.
Se llevarán a cabo operaciones de drenaje en la esquina de Euclid Ave/Broadway el viernes 19 de julio, lunes 22 de julio y martes 23 de julio de 7:00am–3:30pm.
El carril derecho que sale de Euclid Ave hacia Broadway estará cerrado. Habrá un desvío con detalles en el lugar desde Euclid Ave. para doblar a la izquierda en Magnolia Ave. y tomar una derecha hacia Conomo Ave. el cual conduce a Broadway. Los conductores que vienen desde el extremo Peabody de Broadway pueden tomar una izquierda en Euclid Ave.
The above information was submitted to us by Mayor Nicholson’s office.
If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.

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