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Home / Latest / Filming for “The Collaboration” to occur in Downtown Lynn on October 4th, traffic disruptions expected

Filming for “The Collaboration” to occur in Downtown Lynn on October 4th, traffic disruptions expected

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Please be advised that The Collaboration Movie LLC, will be filming scenes for its new feature film titled THE COLLABORATION in your neighborhood.

Filming has been scheduled to take place on Tuesday, October 4th, 2022 from 7 pm to 11 pm. We will be filming on Union St, on the “driveway” North of the MBTA Central Square Tunnel. We will be posting “No Parking” signs on along Union St just North of Central Sq. (approx. 15 spaces) While filming on the street, production will be holding traffic intermittently (2-3 min at a time) on Union St North of MBTA tracks, with the assistance of the Lynn Police Department. We are working with the City of Lynn to obtain all required permissions and permits for our

If you have any questions or concerns (deliveries, construction, etc.) please feel free to email or call us.

On behalf of the crew we would like to thank you for your consideration as we look forward to filming in your neighborhood and for your support of the film and television industry in Massachusetts.


Queremos notificarles que The Collaboration Movie estará filmando escenas de la película “The Collaboration” en su vecindario.

La filmación será este Marte, 4 de Octubre, de 7 pm a 11 pm. Filmaremos en Union St en el callejón al Norte del tunel de ta estación de MBTA. Habrá “No Parking” a lo largo de Union St al; Norte de Central Sq. (apron. 15 espacios) Durante las tomas, detendremos el tráfico por 2-3 minutos con la asistencia de la policía de Lynn. Estamos trabajando con la Ciudad de Lynn para obtener todos los permisos necesarios para nuestras actividades.

Si tienen preguntas o comentarios (entregas, construcción, etc) por favor contáctenos al email o teléfono en esta nota.

Les agradecemos su consideración y ayuda mientras filmamos en su area y por su apoyo a la industria de cine y televisión en Massachusetts


The Collaboration Locations Dept.

The above press release was submitted to us by Lynn DPW

If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.

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