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Home / Latest / News | Lynn Eligible for Federal Aid For Roadway & Safety Improvements citywide

News | Lynn Eligible for Federal Aid For Roadway & Safety Improvements citywide

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CONTACT: Elizabeth Gervacio | 617-304-3068


Mayor Thomas M. McGee was recently notified by the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) that three projects in the City of Lynn have been approved as eligible for $59 million in Federal Aid highway funding. Following a comprehensive application process MassDOT’s Highway Division’s Project Review Committee (PRC) evaluated each project submitted by the City and determined that all three projects are eligible for funding.

Federal Aid highway funding covers 100% of the construction cost of the project as well as police details, construction engineering, contingencies and reimbursable utility relocations. As the project proponent, the City of Lynn is responsible for costs associated with design, right-of-way acquisition and environmental permitting. Each project must by fully programmed on the State Transportation Improvement Program (TIP). Mayor McGee said, “This is an incredible opportunity for the City of Lynn to improve our transportation infrastructure and address long overdue traffic and safety deficiencies throughout the city. Efficient and safe transportation within our City is the cornerstone of the Lynn’s revitalization.”

The City has been working with Woburn-based WorldTech Engineering. Earlier this year the City and WorldTech conducted several public workshops to provide information about each project, obtain input from the community and answer questions. Rich Benevento, President of WorldTech said “There was a lot of public support during the workshops for each project. With aging infrastructure and the fiscal constraints facing communities it is vitally important for cities like Lynn to secure placement in these programs.”

Reconstruction of Western Avenue from Market Square to Eastern Avenue – $36.2 million

The limits of the Western Avenue project extend along Western Avenue from Centre Street to Eastern Avenue. The project also includes the three segments of roadway stretching around Stop & Shop including, Franklin Street, Boston Street and Washington Street. There are four Top 200 High Crash intersections within the Western Avenue project limits (at Eastern Avenue, at Chestnut Street, at Washington Street, and at Franklin Street). The project will include improvements to the roadways and intersections and provide safety and operational enhancements to the corridor that improves all transportation modes – vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles and transit. The project will completely reconstruct approximately 2.0 miles of Western Avenue that includes rehabilitation of the pavement, with new concrete sidewalks, ADA-compliant crosswalks and wheelchair ramps, bicycle accommodations and upgraded transit accommodations where feasible. All traffic signals within the project limits will be upgraded to improve traffic operation and safety and reduce congestion.

Reconstruction of Essex Street from Eastern Avenue to Rockaway/Joyce Street – $16.9 million

The reconstruction of Essex Street will provide safety and operational improvements along approximately one mile of the Essex Street corridor from Eastern Avenue to Rockaway and Joyce Streets. The project will also include improvements to the Chestnut Street at Fayette Street and Union Street intersection. There are four High Crash Clusters within the Essex Street project limits (at Eastern Avenue, at Chatham Street, Chestnut Street from Essex Street to Union Street, including the intersection of Essex Street at Fayette Street; and 4) Essex Street at Rockaway Street and Joyce Street. Two of these have been ranked within the Top 200 crash locations in Massachusetts: Essex Street at Rockaway Street/Joyce Street (based on 2013-2015 data); and Essex Street at Eastern Avenue (based on 2012-2014 data). The project will generally include targeted safety improvements including replacement of outdated and non-compliant traffic signals and other traffic control devices; new concrete sidewalks, ADA-compliant crosswalks, and wheelchair ramps; addition of bicycle facilities; improvements to transit stops; and roadway rehabilitation.

Traffic & Safety Improvements at Broadway, Euclid Avenue and Jenness Street – $6.5 million

The Broadway at Euclid Avenue and Jenness Street traffic and safety improvement project will reconstruct approximately 0.3 miles of Broadway, from Wyoma Square to Jenness Street. The project is intended to provide safety and operational improvements at two High crash Clusters, at the intersections of Broadway with Euclid Avenue and Broadway at Jenness Street. The Euclid Avenue intersection is among the Top 200 High Crash Locations in Massachusetts with 55 crashes (13 with injuries) between 2013 and 2015. The Jenness Street intersection experienced 26 crashes (five with injuries) in the 2013-2015 period. The project will generally include targeted safety improvements including replacement of outdated and non-compliant traffic signals and other traffic control devices; revising intersection geometry, reconstruction of sidewalks, ADA-compliant crosswalks and wheelchair ramps, addition of bicycle facilities; improvements to transit stops; and roadway rehabilitation. The preliminary concept design includes signalizing the current stop-controlled intersection of Broadway at Jenness Street.

Next Steps

The next step in the process will be for WorldTech to begin the preliminary design phase. Mayor McGee has stressed that public input is vitally important to the success of these projects. As such, there will be several public workshops during the design phase to discuss the projects and exchange ideas. “My administration has made it a priority to invest in our roadway infrastructure in order to provide a safe, efficient and well-maintained transportation network and to keep pace with our growing City. We look forward to successfully working with MassDOT, our consultant and the public to move these projects forward” said Mayor McGee.


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