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Home / Latest / Lynn Police warns of scams, WIC updates, & more | May 28, 2020

Lynn Police warns of scams, WIC updates, & more | May 28, 2020

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Lynn Police Dept. warn of scams

The Lynn Police Dept. have shared 2 scam warnings in the last week on their Facebook page:

There have been several scams across Massachusetts involving victims who have received calls requesting bail money for family members who have been arrested. In several of the cases suspects have arranged to pick up the money at the victim’s home. If you get one of these calls DO NOT give anybody money and contact your local police department ASAP.


The U. S. Secret Service has issued an alert relative to the massive fraud against State Unemployment Insurance programs by foreign actors. Massachusetts is one of the States reporting significant false claims using stolen identities. Victims are being asked to take the following steps:

  • File a police report providing as much information as possible.
  • If still employed, notify your Human Resources Department.
  • File the Fraud Reporting Form on the state website by clicking here.
  • Notify credit bureaus of compromised information to help circumvent possible future fraud.
  • Victims of identity theft can also file a report and find additional guidance at

A reminder that the MBTA Zone 1A fares at $2.40 one way and $4.80 round trip to Boston will temporarily be accepted at Lynn Commuter Rail Station through the end of service on Sunday, May 31st.

More info. can be found by clicking here.
Please remember to wear a face covering and maintain proper social distancing.

City of Lynn encourages everyone to fill out 2020 Census

From City of Lynn Clerk’s Office: We started our 2020 Census Campaign for the City of Lynn.  As of last week 44% of the City filled out their Census forms. We would love to reach 100%.

Help spread the word and be sure to fill out your 2020 Census form, make sure you add everyone living in your household including children, seniors, and extended family and friends.

You can fill out your form at, call 1-844-330-2020 for English assistance, or call 1-844-468-2020 for Spanish assistance.

Watch a video we collaborated on with City Clerk Janet Rowe about why it’s important to fill out & how your info. is protected.

Click for high-resolution image

From Mayor McGee’s Office: The Lynn Public Health Department has confirmed that as of today, the number of active, confirmed positive COVID-19 cases is 1,831 with 16 new cases today. 1,411 Lynn residents have recovered and 88 have died. The total number of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in Lynn since March 21, 2020, including those who have died and recovered, is 3,330.

The Internal Revenue Service is reminding people that some Economic Impact Payments as part of the CARES Act are being sent by prepaid debit card to nearly 4 million people across the country instead of a paper check. The debit cards will arrive in a plain envelope from “Money Network Cardholder Services.” Please visit…/economic-impact-payment-information-c… for more information on your economic impact payment.

Those who receive their Economic Impact Payment by prepaid debit card can do the following without any fees.
• Make purchases online and at any retail location where Visa is accepted
• Get cash from in-network ATMs
• Transfer funds to their personal bank account
• Check their card balance online, by mobile app or by phone

We will continue to provide regular updates on COVID-19 through the City website (, social media, and the Smart 911 emergency notification system (sign up at


If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.

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