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Lynn’s First Zoning Rewrite Ready for Public Comment

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The City of Lynn has released a draft of its first-ever zoning rewrite for public comment, available at At 99 years old, Lynn’s zoning code is ripe for a fresh start that better reflects the built environment and the City’s comprehensive plan, Vision Lynn.

Vision Lynn calls for high-quality development that supports our community and public spaces, brings jobs to the city, and utilizes existing infrastructure. An updated zoning code is the most impactful tool Lynn can use to ensure future development meets these goals. As proposed, the code helps Lynn better adapt to today’s economy by updating definitions and rules to support entrepreneurs and new uses such as research labs, food production, and technology startups. The zoning also strengthens key retail and commercial corridors by ensuring the street level has shops and services.

Today, fewer than 4% of lots in residential districts are conforming, meaning that many basic improvements or repairs would require homeowners to request a variance, which adds cost and time to their project. The proposed zoning will reduce that burden, help property owners invest in Lynn, and protect neighborhood character.

Larger projects will also benefit from the proposal. Under this new code, the City can set binding conditions through a more transparent site plan review process to ensure major developments benefit the public and respect local needs. This step provides more certainty for both investors and residents.

“The zoning code is one of the most powerful tools we have to ensure future development supports the community. The new ordinance will help us improve access to safe and affordable housing, encourage new commercial and industrial development to create more job opportunities, and ultimately provide more resources for improved City services – all priorities we heard from the community in Vision Lynn.”

Aaron Clausen, Lynn Principal Planner

The proposed zoning code has been put together in collaboration with the Zoning Working Group – which is made up of representatives from the Planning, Law, Inspectional Services Departments, Planning Board, the Zoning Board of Appeals, EDIC/Lynn, the Mayor’s Office, and City Council – and a team of expert consultants.

“Updating our zoning ordinance is a critical step in shaping a more vibrant City and facilitating the kind of balanced, positive growth that will help us achieve our goals as the community articulated in Vision Lynn,” said Mayor Jared C. Nicholson. “We need more industrial and commercial growth. Residents deserve more predictability and transparency, traits which are also helpful in attracting investment for the kinds of projects that the community is looking for. This process will strengthen our ability to thrive in varying circumstances, ensuring that Lynn is equipped to meet the needs of current and future generations.”

Now, the City is looking for feedback from the community. If you own a home, manage a business, own property, or care about Lynn’s future, now is the time to get involved: your feedback will shape the final code and make sure it reflects local values while guiding new investment.

For more information, visit You can find the latest draft, meeting dates, and ways to comment.

register for virtual office hours

Wednesday, February 26
Zoom – Register Here(External link)
Tuesday, March 4
Zoom – Register Here(External link)
In Spanish:
Tuesday, March 18
Zoom – Register Here

New city of Lynn Zoning Map

Map is current as of February 4, 2025, click for full-resolution version

The above information was submitted to us by the Mayor’s office and City of Lynn Planning Department.

If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.

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