Our COVID-19 weekday updates with city officials have ended, but will resume if there is any breaking news or urgent information to get out to the public.
Past updates can be found by clicking here.
See other COVID-19 related posts by clicking here
Senator Markey calls for immediate State & Local Government funding in COVID-19 relief package
From Senator Markey’s office: Senator Ed Markey held a virtual press conference yesterday with Easthampton Mayor Nicole LaChapelle and Lynn Mayor Thomas McGee to decry the impact of Senate Republican and Trump opposition to immediate coronavirus economic relief package negotiations, and the need for additional funding for state, local, and tribal governments. State and local governments could face a $1.3 trillion budget shortfall nationwide due to the pandemic over the next three years.
In the last three months, state and local governments have been forced to lay off 1.6 million workers across the country, including more than 2,000 educators in Massachusetts. Senator Markey has called for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to bring the Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions (HEROES) Act, which passed the House nearly seven weeks ago, to the floor for debate and a vote.
Watch the full press conference below.
Phase 3 of MA Reopening starts today
As of Sunday night, DPH reported a total of 109,974 cases of COVID-19. The state has now confirmed a total of 8,183 deaths from the virus.
- Gyms, sporting events, casinos, museums, and movie theaters are all categorized in Phase 3. The state’s casinos, horse racing and simulcast wagering are also part of Phase 3.
- Phase 3 will consist of two smaller steps, though administration officials have not yet announced when the second portion will start. The loosened restrictions in the first step will take effect in Boston on July 13, one week after every other community in Massachusetts.
- Under the first step, movie theaters, museums, fitness centers and some indoor recreation facilities that have all been closed since mid-March will be allowed to reopen so long as they follow industry-specific protocols. Most will face capacity limits and mandatory cleaning requirements. Indoor and outdoor events such as weddings or parties will not be allowed to open bars or dance floors.
- The administration will also update restrictions on gatherings to allow more people to congregate, starting Monday statewide and July 13 in Boston. Indoor gatherings will be capped at eight people per 1,000 square feet with a maximum of 25, while outdoor enclosed gatherings will be limited to 25 percent of permitted capacity with a maximum of 100. Caps do not apply to unenclosed outdoor events, such as backyard parties or park visits.
- Professional sports teams will be permitted to host games without spectators in Massachusetts as part of Phase 3.
- Phase 3 will last longer than the other phases, and Phase 4 will not begin until treatment or a vaccine for COVID-19 is available.
- MassHealth telehealth service will continue through the end of 2020, Health and Human Services Secretary Marylou Sudders said Thursday, and the administration continues to encourage remote medical appointments “whenever feasible.” Additional info. can be found by clicking here.
Special thanks to MassAccess for the above information.
For more details click here to read our previous post about Phase 3.

Special July 3rd programming now
available on our website
In case you missed it: This past Friday we had 2 special programs to keep Lynn’s July 3rd traditions alive. Both of these, as well as all other staff and member-produced programs, can be found on our website’s video on demand section. Just visit LynnTV.org and click “Video on Demand” on the center of the page, or click here.
At 8PM we aired a special program sent to us by member Wendy Joseph. This was a special 10th year of the Frederick Douglass Community event, where 44 Lynners take turns reading his speech “What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July?”. It also includes retrospective images of years past, with remarks by Coordinator Wendy Joseph, City Council President Darren Cyr, Mayor Thomas M. McGee and a special surprise commentator. Watch by clicking here.
At 9PM we aired a special presentation of the annual Lynn/Swampscott Fireworks show. This program will feature performances by Lois Lane & The Daily Planets and fireworks from the 2017-2019 shows. Watch by clicking here.
From Mayor McGee’s office: The Lynn Public Health Department has confirmed that as of today, the number of active, confirmed positive COVID-19 cases is 645 with 11 new cases today. 2,955 Lynn residents have recovered and 103 have died. The total number of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in Lynn since March 21, 2020, including those who have died and recovered, is 3,703. Please visit the new City of Lynn COVID-19 Data Dashboard which is updated daily.
We will continue to provide regular updates on COVID-19 through the City website (www.lynnma.gov), social media, and the Smart 911 emergency notification system (sign up at www.smart911.com).
If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.