The information below is courtesy of Chief of Elections Janet Rowe
Currently, we have sent out 1,921 vote by mail ballots requests and we have received 1250 as of today. 77 voters have come into City Hall to vote by absentee ballot to date. Voters can vote by absentee in the office until Monday, Nov 1, at noon. Today (Oct. 27) is the last day to request a “vote by mail ballot” (by 5pm). We recommend voters use our Vote Mailbox located outside the building to drop off their ballot. It is available 24 hours and we empty the box at least 3 times per day.
In the primary, we had approx. 1500 vote by mail ballots so there is a slight increase for the final. Hopefully voters will take advantage of coming to the polls to vote on November 2. Voters will be required to wear a mask as they did in the primary. No problems there, we provided a mask if people did not have it and everyone was very respectful with the mask mandate.
We have been posting daily info on our Face Book page “City of Lynn Election” and our Chief of Elections page on the City Website has been updated to include “frequently asked questions” on our drop down menu. This drop down menu includes info on all voting options: vote by mail, absentee voting, early voting, how to register to vote, where do I vote, and how to track your ballot.
As of today, we have 55,940 registered voters in Lynn. The last Mayoral race in 2017 had 28% of the voters come out, and in 2013, we had 31%. For a comparison, the Presidential race in 2020 had 64% of the voters come out.
Please follow the instructions in your ballot packet. Make sure you print your name and address (unless a label is attached with that information) and make sure your SIGNATURE is on the ballot envelope. We cannot accept ballots if they are not signed. You can then mail the ballot through the U.S. Postal Service (please make sure postage is sufficient and allow 7 days for mailing), drop it in our 24 hour Vote Mail Box located at the City Hall rear door on Johnson Street side, or hand deliver it to our office.
All ballots received by 8pm on voting day will be accepted. Any ballots received after the deadline will be time stamped upon receipt and they will not be counted. The State Election office encourages voters to mail their ballot back early, as it can take up to seven days for mail delivery. “The postmark is not relevant; what’s relevant is when the ballots arrive”, which must be by 8pm on Election Day.
We recommend you use our 24 hour Vote Mail Box located outside City Hall as we retrieve ballots at least 3 times per day. You can also hand deliver it to our office during regular business hours. This box is emptied and locked at 8pm on Election Day.
Please tune in tonight at 7PM for our LIVE Mayoral Candidate Forum & on Tuesday, Nov. 2nd at 8pm for our LIVE Election Night Results Special.
If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.
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