Tune in at 3pm every Monday, Wednesday, & Friday on our Government Channel or Facebook page for an update from city officials. Past updates can be found by clicking here. At 2pm & 8pm we are also airing Gov. Baker’s press conferences.
See other COVID-19 related posts by clicking here
In case you missed it: yesterday we received the airtimes of virtual graduations for the Lynn Public Schools, St. Mary’s of Lynn, & North Shore Community College. Read more about it by clicking here.
Volunteers hit 30,000 boxes of food

From Ward 6 Councilor Fred Hogan: 30,000th Box ???? of Hope handed out today, Thank You to All The Salvation Army, Lynn Massachusetts This would not be Possible with out you. 3 Months Committed to our Community of Lynn and still going strong during this Covid-19 Outbreak ????
(Tuesday)Looking for Volunteers for Day shift 8:00am to 12pm or any morning during week. Night Volunteers see you Wednesday Night 3-5pm.
LCTV would like to thank the Salvation Army of Lynn & the volunteers for supporting our community during this crisis. Thank you all!
My Brother’s Table in need of donations
From My Brother’s Table: Due to COVID-19, our needs have changed and so have the items on our Wish List. In lieu of a monetary donation, we also welcome donations of the following goods:
- Gift cards to grocery stores, Target, Walmart, BJ’s, Costco, dollar stores, gas stations, and drug stores
- Small individual containers of shelf stable juice & shelf stable milk
- Individual serving packets of mayonnaise, ketchup & mustard
- Cheese sticks (individually wrapped)
- Salt & pepper individual packets
- Sugar and artificial sweetener packets
- Shelf stable fruit cups
- Individually portioned snacks
- Cookies, especially individually portioned packages
- Shelf stable pudding cups
- Meal replacement bars
- Single serve shelf stable coffee creamers
- Bars of soap
- Travel size shampoo, conditioner, shaving cream, toothpaste, lotion, and sunscreen
- Women’s hygiene products
- Toothbrushes, razors, and deodorant
- Socks (adult sizes)
For more information on donating to MBT please click here.
This Thursday LCTV will be holding a forum on social justice, which will be recorded for later broadcast. Panelists for this forum will be Carolina Trujillo, Marven Hyppolite, Faustina Cuevas, and Capt. Michael Vail of the Lynn Police Department.
If residents have questions that they would like answered by the panelists please send us an email or comment on this Facebook post.
Fireworks in Lynn
Last night Ward 2 Councilor Rick Starbard sent out his regular email blast to his constituents (sign up by clicking here). In it he addressed the concerns of many residents over the earlier use of fireworks in the City of Lynn that have been happening at all hours. Councilor Starbard reached out to the Lynn Police Dept. about this & received the following response:
- We ask that residents use some discretion but call the police if the problem is continuous or if there is an obvious danger such as lighting fireworks at people or in close proximity to a home or something similar. We know that fireworks cause different levels of distress for different people. The noise and potential danger is particularly harmful and stressful for elders, families with small children or pets and some veterans who suffer from PTSD.
- All complaints are entered into CAD for service.
- Provide as much specific information as possible about where they are occurring, any names or descriptions of who is involved, how long and what type of fireworks are occurring and anything else that will help us in our response.
- It is always helpful to have a caller give their name and phone number when calling to make a complaint but it is not necessary. We will respond even if the caller chooses to remain anonymous.
- They should understand that in many cases once the police arrive the participants may run inside a home or hide the fireworks so it can be difficult to seize them. In most cases, officers will give a warning and try to have the participants disperse. In some cases, if we are unable to seize fireworks and the bad behavior is continuing so that we have to return, the officers may issue a noise citation or take some other action against those involved.
- If a caller feels like they are not getting a response after multiple calls or an extended period of time, they can contact the station and ask to speak with the commanding officer on duty. The CO will then explain the reason for the delay or have a unit dispatched as soon as possible.

A car caravan is planned for tomorrow (Wednesday, June 10) at 5PM. It will begin in front of the Essex County Superior Courthouse in Salem and stop in front of the Lynn Police Department & Lynn City Hall before ending at Lynn Common.
For more details and information please visit their Facebook event
by clicking the image above.
From Mayor McGee’s office: The Lynn Public Health Department has confirmed that as of today, the number of active, confirmed positive COVID-19 cases is 1,440 with 11 new cases today. 2,001 Lynn residents have recovered and 93 have died. The total number of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in Lynn since March 21, 2020, including those who have died and recovered, is 3,534. Please visit the new City of Lynn COVID-19 Data Dashboard which is updated daily at http://arcg.is/aiiWu.
Please visit https://www.mass.gov/info-details/safety-standards-and-checklist-hair-salons-and-barbershops for more information on the Phase 2 safety standards for hair salons and barbershops.
We will continue to provide regular updates on COVID-19 through the City website (www.lynnma.gov), social media, and the Smart 911 emergency notification system (sign up at www.smart911.com).
If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.