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Northern Strand Multimodal Path Groundbreaking | July 11, 2024

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On July 11, 2024 at the Carroll Parkway in Lynn a groundbreaking was held for the Northern Strand Multimodal Path. The project has a total length of 1.9 miles. beginning at the current terminus of the Northern Strand shared-use path at Western Ave and continuing along Market Square, South Common Street, Market Street, Lynnway, and Nahant Road.

The goals of this project are to connect and provide six communities with a non-motorized transportation option for travel and recreation; to improve the connections to local resources and destinations around the City of Lynn and to the Lynn/Nahant shore; and to improve both access and accessibility to transportation options for bicyclists and pedestrians.

Transportation Secretary and CEO Monica Tibbits-Nutt, Highway Administrator Jonathan Gulliver, District Highway Director Paul Stedman, Mayor Jared Nicholson, and EEA Undersecretary Stephanie Cooper joined other local elected officials and partners for the event.

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