Raw Art Works Unabashed Fundraiser | 5-11-24
On Saturday May 11th Raw Art Works held their annual fundraiser. Titled “Unabashed” the theme this year was being unapologetically yourself and people dressed the part. Including a silent auction full of art from Raw alumni, dancing and music the money raised goes towards supporting Raw community programming all year. ____________________________________ THE LCTV NEWS IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY COLLEGE, ENCOMPASS HEALTH, LEO INC, & COMMUNITY BROTHERHOOD CREDIT UNION! If your organization would like to sponsor our weekly news show please call 781-780-9460
If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.

LCTV News | LDN’s 4th Annual Sensory Friendly Holiday Party | December 14, 2024
The Lynn Disability Network held their 4th Annual Sensory Friendly Holiday Party on Saturday, December 14th at the Lynn...