AUGUST 19, 2020
See our other COVID-19 related posts by clicking here.
In case you missed it: Check out our 2020 MA State Election coverage, which launched yesterday, on our website by clicking here.
This section has now been updated with some additional information on candidates running for the 6th Congressional District seat.
Community path construction underway on Community Path of Lynn
The Community Path of Lynn Coalition is a non-profit effort by residents, community leaders, and others in Lynn to “provide direct access to arts and culture, agriculture, education, transportation, and employment to all residents.” For over a decade the group has worked to clean up the former railroad tracks that the Community Path of Lynn runs along.
The CPL runs from the Saugus River to River Works MBTA station, where it continues to the Lynn waterfront (map here). Earlier this year construction finally began on the path, which is shared by the Northern Strand Community Trail, which will bring paved paths, landscaping, and amenities “chosen by abutters”.
According to Ward 6 Councilor Fred Hogan, “each section has its own timeline. Western Ave to Summer is getting landscaped now. Second level of Asphalt should be done by early September. The Bridge in Ward 7 will take a lot longer to complete. We were lucky to get our work started 1st over the other cities.”
When asked about plans to have the path cross the Lynnway, and possibly connect to the harbor projects/parks, Councilor Hogan said that was in the next phase. “It’s all based on Funding. First hurdle is Bennett St. Bridge. It would be amazing to have the Path connect to the Waterfront”, said Hogan.
UPDATE (August 20, 2020): We received the following statement from Lisa Wallace, founder of the CPLC:
We are excited to welcome House Factory Foundation into the coalition. House Factory is an amazing organization that shares the same mission to raise community standards and quality of life for all residents by raising awareness to our housing issues as well as the need to become green community. The coalition will be meeting with residents in surrounding neighborhoods to discuss their sections path designs, identifying areas of need and ways to engage and empower residents to be more involved in our community’s economic growth and development.
It is important that we create more public green spaces and more options for transportation in our community. Creating a car free route that connects our neighborhoods directly to Lynn’s future waterfront development will be a great addition to transportation options for our more isolated neighborhoods. As we continue toward the waterfront we are identifying and addressing the residents concerns, questions, and suggestions. The CPC is working diligently to address the unsafe gas line running through the Bennett Street Bridge.
Lynn is the only city along this project that has created this path to be for all to enjoy. The amenities that the residents have asked for are not in any other communities that share this route. Lynn will live up to its name with this project being “Lynn, the city of firsts!” We are the first to create a true Community Path.
We hope to be able to have all responsible parties involved working to find a safe solution for this situation. We will keep everyone updated.
To stay up-to-date with information about the CPL please like the Community Path of Lynn Coalition’s Facebook page by clicking here.
Lynn Shelter Association looking for housing
From the Lynn Shelter Association’s Facebook page: Hi friends, the Lynn Shelter is looking for some additional space to house our clients. Due to COVID-19, we had to reduce the number of people we can house in our emergency shelter, and with colder weather around the corner we need to prepare now for the winter months.
If you or someone you know has space available, we are looking to lease a building that can accommodate up to 30 people. Please contact us if you have any additional questions or know of available space, and thank you!! Also, please share this post!
Brown Bag Project this Friday at Greater Lynn Senior Services from 9am-12pm
From the GLSS’s Facebook page: The monthly Brown Bag Project, which takes place on the third Friday of each month in conjunction with the The Greater Boston Food Bank, is happening on Friday, August 21, 2020.
Bags of food will be distributed outside from 9 a.m. to noon at the entrance to Greater Lynn Senior Services in the Senior Center parking area on Ellis Street.
Please remember- wear a mask and stay 6 feet away from others on the line.
Employee tests positive for COVID-19 at Fauci Pizza
From the Fauci Pizza Facebook page: Due to the unforeseen event Fauci Pizza will be closed until the end of August. Unfortunately one of our employees has tested positive for the Covid 19 so we are taking the proper precautions to keep our employees and our customers safe by shutting down.
We have been in touch with the Lynn Health Department and we will be working with them to reopen our store so it is safe for everyone!
According to owner Jim Fauci the employee worked out back mostly on Thursdays and weekends, with “no signs of the virus when working”. He also added that all of his employees will be tested. If you have recently eaten at Fauci’s it is recommended to get a COVID-19 test.
There are also unverified reports online that other restaurants in the City of Lynn have had workers test positive for COVID-19. While we cannot state these claims to be fact it is a reminder to stay cautious & practice proper mask wearing, distancing, & hygiene when out in public.
For COVID-19 testing information in Lynn this week click here.

From Mayor McGee’s office: The Lynn Public Health Department has confirmed that as of today, the number of active, confirmed positive COVID-19 cases is 635 with 26 new cases today. 3,660 Lynn residents have recovered and 111 have died. The total number of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in Lynn since March 21, 2020, including those who have died and recovered, is 4,406. Please visit the new City of Lynn COVID-19 Data Dashboard which is updated daily.
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We will continue to provide regular updates on COVID-19 through the City website (, social media, and the Smart 911 emergency notification system (sign up at
If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.