Tune in at 3pm every weekday on our Government Channel or Facebook page for an update from city officials. Past updates can be found by clicking here. At 2pm & 8pm we are also airing Gov. Baker’s press conferences.
See other COVID-19 related posts by clicking here.
See our running list of announcements for Lynn by visiting bit.ly/LynnCOVID19.
Virtual graduation for Lynn Public School students set for June 12th
Today the Lynn Public Schools announced that graduations will be held virtually this year. The statement in part read “Given the uncertainty of the summer months ahead and the current state executive order limiting group gatherings, it seems prudent to begin planning a celebration of your accomplishments through virtual means.”
The concerns about graduations requirements for seniors was addressed. The statement from the School Dept. read that “seniors have been in touch with their guidance counselor to address any questions or concerns about standing in terms of credits or other graduation requirements. Please contact your counselor if there are any outstanding questions/concerns.”
The schools plan to hold all Lynn Public Schools graduations virtually on June 12th. Principals will be in contact with students & their families about specifics.
Read the full statements in English & Spanish.
Virtual Celebration of the Arts at NSCC
North Shore Community College will be virtually launching the 2020 edition of SPARK, NSCC’s student creative art and literary magazine!
This is happening tomorrow (Thursday, April 30) at 5:30 pm via Zoom.
You can join by clicking here or calling 301-715-8592 (Meeting ID: 964-6401-0867)
CARES Act Information for NSCC students
If you are an NSCC student with expenses related to the disruption of NSCC operations and face-to-face learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you may be eligible for a federal CARES Act Grant, which provides emergency funding for college students.
Find out more info by clicking here.
Expanded COVID-19 testing at Lynn Community Health Center
Anyone in Lynn who thinks they or a family member has COVID-19 should call the Lynn Community Health Center at 781-581-3900. They will conduct a quick screening over the phone for symptoms, and if indicated, complete registration and schedule a COVID-19 testing appointment.
Most appointments are scheduled same day or next day. All are welcome to call, regardless of insurance or immigration status.
Mayor Thomas McGee was invited on Bloomberg Baystate Business this past Friday. Listen to his interview by clicking here.
The Lynn Public Health Department has confirmed that as of today, the number of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases has risen to 1,733, 210 have recovered, and 46 Lynn residents have died.
We will continue to provide regular updates on COVID-19 through the City website (www.lynnma.gov), social media, and the Smart 911 emergency notification system (sign up at www.smart911.com).
If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.