United Lynn Pride is currently working on a history project, revolving around Lynn’s LGBTQ+ community. More information from ULP:
We are recording Lynn’s LGBTQ+ history and we would like your help. We are looking for diverse people who have years of lived experience in the LGBTQ+ community, who have good historical memory and can speak about the past. We want to talk to them on camera about their experiences. These stories are important and must be made available to young people and be preserved for future generations.
Sign up to tell your story. Or, if you know someone we should interview and they lived in or spent significant time in Lynn, would you pass this information on to them please?
- Sign up online
- Send an email: ThroughaRainbowLens@UnitedLynnPride.com
- Call 781-596-2241 and ask for the Lynn History Project
We will also be scanning old photographs, news clippings, and other documents.
Our project is a collaboration between United Lynn Pride, The Salem State University Department of History, The Lynn Museum, and The History Project and is made possible by a grant from Mass Humanities.
The above information was submitted to us by United Lynn Pride.
If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.