North Shore Community College’s Upward Bound program is a FREE after-school college prep program for Lynn public high school students, held at NSCC’s Lynn Campus, 300 Broad Street.
Their program offers after-school tutoring, cultural activities, summer college experience, snacks and meals, scholarships/FAFSA, field trips, college counseling, computer access and so much more – all FREE!
The North Shore Upward Bound program is one of over 900 Upward Bound programs across the nation that help eligible high school students achieve their goals of graduating high school and continuing on to earn a college degree. The students that Upward Bound serves must be first generation potential college students (neither parent/guardian has earned a bachelor’s degree) and/or come from low-income families (with incomes at or below 150% of federal poverty line).
A federal TRIO program, North Shore Upward Bound is 100% funded by the US Department of Education through a competitive grant competition every five years. Upward Bound at North Shore Community College was first funded in 1979, and hosted the first summer program in 1980. Since then, the program has helped thousands of Lynn students successfully complete high school and continue on to obtain a college degree.
Click for full-resolution flier
The purpose of North Shore Upward Bound (UB) is to provide our high school students with the support, resources, skills and opportunities to succeed in high school to prepare them to successfully pursue and complete a college education. The goal of Upward Bound is to increase the rate at which our students complete high school and enroll in and graduate from institutions of postsecondary education.
North Shore Upward Bound serves 82 students in Lynn at Lynn Tech, English, & Classical high schools.
The Upward Bound program is now accepting applications from Lynn public high school students in grades 9 through 11. Scan the QR code in the flyer above for the application or click here.