OCTOBER 19, 2020
See our other COVID-19 related posts by clicking here.
Check out our 2020 MA State Election Coverage with campaign interviews, voting information, & more by clicking here.
Street resurfacing this week in Lynn
The Lynn Department of Public Works will be resurfacing Boston Street & Summer Street on Tuesday, October 20 and Parkland Avenue on Wednesday, October 21 (both days weather permitting).
No parking signs will be posted in advance with dates and times of restricted parking. No parking between 7:00pm and 7:00am – Vehicles impeding the construction operation will be towed.
Interruption to traffic flow will occur at times.
George S. Potter
Superintendent – Lynn Department of Public Works
Thank you in advance for you cooperation during this project. If you have any questions or concerns please call the Department of Public Works at 781-268-8000.
The above info. was provided to us by Lynn DPW.
Early voting at City Hall thru Oct. 30th

MassDOT statewide exit renumbering project underway

The Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) is converting all exit numbers on freeways to a milepost-based numbering system, per Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) requirement. Currently, interstates and freeways in Massachusetts utilize a sequential exit numbering method. MassDOT has committed to the implementation of mile-based with construction scheduled to begin in Fall 2020.
The project, which is estimated to cost $2.8 million, will be paid for through Federal Highway Safety Improvement Program (HSIP) funds. HSIP funding carries a 90/10 split, which means that 90% of the project will be funded through federal funds and the remaining 10% will be funded through state highway funds.
We anticipate only minimal impacts to traffic during construction. The public will be notified in advance of construction start and MassDOT will use electronic changeable message signs to alert motorists along the route of the pending changes.
Exit signage panels will remain the same, just the numbers themselves will change. “Old Exit #” signs, which will have a yellow background with black lettering, will be installed at key locations for a minimum of 2 years. Conversion of exit numbers is anticipated to begin in the Fall of 2020.
For more info. click here to go to the project’s website.
The above info. was provided to us by MassDOT
Lynn Public Schools Meal Distribution Plan for 2020-21 school year
Lynn Tech’s TV/Media dept. recently created a video with Kelsey Massis, Dietician in the Lynn Public Schools Food Service Department. Kelsey goes over what is offered for students, and when, in this short video.
Watch the video below, from the LVTI TV Media YouTube channel:

Sign up & find out more by clicking here.
LCHC COVID Testing Site to Move and Expand
On October 13, two 60-foot trailers will be delivered to the Buffum Street Parking Lot and will become Lynn Community Health Center’s expanded COVID-19 Testing Site. The health center’s current site, located in the Element Care Parking Lot at 9 Buffum Street, uses tents from the City of Lynn Fire Department to protect patients and staff from the elements. The more permanent structures will make it easier for the health center to offer testing services through the winter.
“COVID-19 is still a serious concern in our community and is likely to remain so for a long time,” said Dr. Geoffrey Pechinsky, Chief Medical Officer at LCHC. “The 7-day average positive rate in Lynn is 7.9%, significantly higher than the state rate of 1.1%. We are working very closely with the City to encourage people to get tested any time they feel unwell or are concerned about exposure. Some people, for example those whose jobs put them at high risk of exposure, should get tested regularly. We are happy to do repeat tests as needed.”
The Off-Street Parking Commission and the Lynn City Council have both approved the use of the parking lot for the new site. The trailers will be set up along the Blake Street side of the lot directly across from the health center. Patients will enter the site through the gate across from the Mulberry Street alleyway and enter the first trailer for registration. They will exit the first trailer and proceed to the second trailer for testing. After their test they will exit the second trailer and leave the site through the gate across from the LCHC entrance. Patient movement will be one-way through the site, with plans in place to support social distancing at all times. The site will take up 30 parking spaces.
The site is scheduled to open later this month with the capacity to conduct up to 500 tests per day. “We have structured our staffing and operations to meet the demand for testing as it rises and falls in the community,” said Kim Eng, Chief Operating Officer at LCHC. “We are currently conducting between 150 and 200 tests per day, but at our peak in August we conducted well over 300 tests per day. We anticipate our numbers will rise again as more people return to work, combined with the onset of cooler weather and flu season.”
Until the new site opens, LCHC will continue to offer COVID-19 testing at 9 Buffum St. 7 days a week. You can walk in for a test or call 781-581-3900 for a scheduled appointment—visit for testing hours. Anyone can receive a test regardless of symptoms or exposure, and you do not have to be a patient of LCHC or a Lynn resident to get a test.
Day | Hours |
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday | 8:30am – 12pm 1 – 4:30pm |
Thursday | 10am – 12pm 1 – 4:30pm 5 – 7pm |
Saturday, Sunday | 1pm – 4pm |
From Mayor McGee’s office: The Lynn Public Health Department has confirmed that as of today, the number of active, confirmed positive COVID-19 cases is 345 with 24 new cases today. 4,800 Lynn residents have recovered and 121 have died. The total number of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in Lynn since March 21, 2020, including those who have died and recovered, is 5,266. Please visit the City of Lynn COVID-19 Data Dashboard which is updated daily.
All Lynn Public Schools students are eligible for free breakfast and lunch meals currently through December 31st. Distribution Days are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 12:00pm-2:30pm at various sites throughout the City. Please visit the Lynn Public Schools Food Services webpage at http://
Stop the Spread Initiative Testing have been extended until December 31st
Please visit
We will continue to provide regular updates on COVID-19 through the City website (, social media, and the Smart 911 emergency notification system (sign up at
If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.