Each year, a diverse group of youth leaders all across the North Shore work closely with one another in a 6 1/2 week paid summer Seed experience.
During this experience youth grow and distribute healthy food to the community in various methods, learn about the complexities of the food system, learn about social injustices, and key leadership skills. At the end of the 6 1/2 week experience, youth will have tools to make lasting positive impacts in their communities and gain newfound relationships with the land and each other.
Applications are found on The Food Project’s website. If you know any young people who may be interested in applying please forward this article and spread the word. This is a paid opportunity at $15/hr for youth ages 14-17.
This is a rolling application, with applications preferred by the end of next week (3/03/23).
The above information was submitted to us by The Food Project.
If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.

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