LCTV News Interview | MassHealth Redetermination – Enrollment from Oct. 15 – Dec. 7, 2023 (October 6, 2023)
On this edition of the Lynn Lowdown we highlight MassHealth’s Determination period with enrollment open from October 15 – December 7, 2023. Senior Plan Consultant for Blue Cross blue Shield of MA Heather Hurd joined us to discuss how people can enroll, change their plans, and more. They also discussed what the different plans cover, deductibles, and other important heath plan information. For more info please call 1-800-633-4227, email, or visit ____________________________________ THE LCTV NEWS IS BROUGHT TO YOU BY NORTH SHORE COMMUNITY COLLEGE & ENCOMPASS HEALTH! If your organization would like to sponsor our weekly news show please call 781-780-9460 ____________________________________ The LCTV News is a weekly news program highlighting several big news stories in Lynn, video showcases of organizations and places in Lynn, interviews with movers and shakers within the Lynn community, and more. Watch full episodes at or on our Publi
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