LCTV News | Kiley Park Task Force (July 6, 2022)
The Kiley Pork Task Force met for the first time in-person last night. Led by Ward 3 Councilor Coco...
LCTV News | 2022 Frederick Douglass Speech Reading (July 3, 2022)
On July 3rd the annual Frederick Douglass Speech Reading event returned. This year is the first time that North...
LCTV News | July 3rd Concert & Fireworks (July 3, 2022)
On July 3rd the annual fireworks concert & show returned to Red Rock Park. Lois Lane & The Daily...
LCTV News | July 1, 2022
Your weekly LCTV newscast with Dani Vittori, summing up the week and informing you about upcoming events.
Concerned Citizens of Lynn’s Vigil for our Voices (6-29-22)
Concerned Citizens of Lynn organized a vigil following the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe V. Wade at Red Rock...