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2024 Spring Park Clean-ups
June 1, 2024 @ 9:00 am - 11:00 am EDT

Join the effort to Keep Lynn Clean!
Supplies for clean-ups are provided. Volunteering for the clean-ups can be applied for community service hours. No registration required. All clean-ups will be from 9AM-11AM unless otherwise stated. Clean-ups are cancelled if there is rain.
¡Únase al esfuerzo para mantener limpio a Lynn!
Se proporcionan suministros para la limpieza. El voluntariado para las limpiezas se podrá aplicar para horas de servicio
comunitario. No es necesario registrarse. Todas las limpiezas se realizarán de 9am a 11 am a menos que se indique lo contrario. Las limpiezas se cancelan si llueve.
The above information was submitted to us by Mayor Nichsolon’s office.