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Housing Lynn: School Street Redevelopment Survey

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Building on the visioning forum held on March 23, 2022, you are invited to share your priorities for redevelopment on Lynn’s School Street site. Please complete the survey by April 13, 2022 and share it with your friends, family, colleagues, and broader networks. We want to hear from as many people as possible to inform the vision for the site.

To learn more about Housing Lynn: School Street Redevelopment, visit
Additional questions or request for accommodations can be emailed to Karina Oliver-Milchman at

Take the survey in English



Basado en el foro de visualización realizado el 23 de marzo de 2022, está invitado a compartir sus prioridades para la reurbanización de la calle School Street. Complete nuestra encuesta antes del 13 de abril de 2022 y compártala con sus amigos, familiares, colegas y redes más amplias. Queremos escuchar a la mas personas posible para informar la declaración de la visión del projecto.

Para obtener más información sobre Housing Lynn: La calle School Street Reurbanización, visite
Se pueden enviar preguntas o solicitudes de adaptaciones de accesibilidad adicionales por correo electrónico al Karina Oliver-Milchman al

Tomar la encuesta en español

The above information was submitted to us by the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC)

If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.

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