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Lynn Cultural Council grant applications being accepted through October 17th

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The Lynn Cultural Council (LCC) is part of the Mass Cultural Council’s (MCC) network of local cultural council across the state. The purpose of the LCC is to support programs that promote the arts, humanities, and sciences to foster a rich cultural life

The Lynn Cultural Council gives out small grants, typically in the $250-$5,000 range, to Lynn residents and organizations outside the city who benefit Lynn residents. LCC gives preference to first-time applicants and tries to spread the money equitably.  The application process is relatively simple, with a few guidelines that must be followed.  The Cultural Council looks favorably on applications that will benefit large groups or underrepresented populations.

Grant applications available through Monday, October 17th, 2022


The Lynn Cultural Council (LCC) is an agency of the Massachusetts Cultural Council. Appointed by the mayor and the council, LCC members serve on a volunteer basis for three-year terms. LCC members possess strong backgrounds in and appreciation for the visual and performing arts, cultural diversity, education, management, advocacy, and community service through arts and culture. Members are also deeply passionate about Lynn’s revitalization through arts and culture.

The above information was submitted to us by the Lynn Cultural Council

If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.

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