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Home / Become a Member / Sponsorships

Every Sponsorship membership is allowed to have up to 6 people and one vote per organization at LCTV’s annual member meeting. Gold & Platitnum levels also get you a promo video and production services. You can find all associated forms needed for a sponsorship membership by clicking here.

Below are examples of videos we’ve produced for our sponsor-members.

LifeScene (FKA: Family & Children’s Service)

Estefani’s Restaurant

Downtown Lynn Cultural District

Pay online with PayPal


A Silver Sponsorship allows an organization to enroll up to 6 members to take advantage of all LCTV resources. This includes classes in Introduction to Field Production, Introduction to Studio Production and/or Introduction to Post- Production. In these classes, we teach you the basics of our equipment and how to produce your own programming. Upon completion of the course(s), members can take advantage of our facilities & equipment to produce TV shows, films & more. Members also have the option to take advanced classes which may require a prerequisite course. One advanced class is included annually for free, while additional advanced classes carry small fee. Additionally, your organization can submit non-commercial PSAs to LCTV’s virtual bulletin board, reserve LCTV’s conference room for meetings and acknowledgement on all LCTV promotion materials.


Gold Sponsors will receive everything in the Silver Sponsorship package plus the following: a 90 second to 2-minute non-commercial promotional video created by LCTV and the option to purchase additional LCTV production services* at a rate of $75 per hour.

*LCTV Production Services are limited to filming, editing & consulting only. LCTV reserves the right to refuse any production service request at the discretion of LCTV staff.


Platinum Sponsors will receive everything in the Silver and Gold Sponsorship packages plus the following: four 30- minute studio shows produced by LCTV (one per quarter), the option to purchase additional LCTV production services* at a rate of $50 per hour and the option to underwrite on specific LCTV produced show. Or, have logo displayed with tagline and mention as an underwriting of LCTV news before every broadcast for one year.

*LCTV Production Services are limited to filming, editing & consulting only. LCTV reserves the right to refuse any production service request at the discretion of LCTV staff.

**All sponsorship levels include a linkable logo on!!

Ways to Support Us

Providing the Lynn community a platform to tell their stories, meet their neighbors and engage.

Become a Member

Your membership includes classes and the ability to produce and host your own TV show, podcast - or even create a feature-length documentary! Find out more!

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Your tax-deductible contribution to Lynn’s media access center helps provide a platform for local voices and keeps membership dues affordable.

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Become a Sponsor

Your business or organization becomes a member, and additionally, can support LCTV through web banners and underwriting. We can also produce a slick video for your organization. Hire us!

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