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Senate Commerce Committee hearing on State of TV & Video Marketplace

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The Senate Commerce Committee held a hearing Yesterday on the State of the Video Marketplace. Part of the discussion centered around the proposed FCC rule changes that could partially and totally defund community media centers, like LCTV, across the country. Our friends with the Alliance for Community Media are working tirelessly protecting PEG Media from these ridiculous proposals.
Senator Edward J. Markey is also fighting on our side, as he has been for a while. During the hearing asked Craig Aaron from Free Press, who sound the alarm when people’s rights to connect and communicate are in danger,  about the impact this would have on communities. His response was as follows:

You can watch the full hearing below. The remarks from Senator Markey & Mr. Aaron begin at roughly 1 hour and 31 minutes:

To provide a short-form – and yes, this is the short-form – explanation of these proposed FCC changes: Providers such as Comcast and Verizon (Xfinity & FIOS) pay a 5% fee on profits back to cities and towns in return for using public right of ways to run their infrastructure. While the specifics of how those funds are distributed vary in each municipality, there would be no Lynn Educational Television or LCTV in Lynn without them.

And contrary to popular misconception, your tax dollars do not go towards PEG channels and programs. However, providers do list a line on your bill as they pass the cost onto their customers. It’s not very much, and don’t be fooled for a minute that your bills will decrease if their obligations decrease.

The FCC is taking up for discussion allowing providers to deduct from the funds going to cities and towns the value of the infrastructure – putting our future at risk. Imagine, no more municipal meeting coverage, no more school television production programs, and your own LCTV shows may be in jeopardy.

Please help us in our fight by urging your Senators & Congresspeople to support community media and oppose the FCC’s rule change. Please sign this online petition & send physical letters to help show members of Congress how important this service is to our communities.

If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.

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