All classes are given for free with an LCTV membership
LCTV offers its members basic training for studio, field, and post-production. Advanced classes are also offered every month on different aspects of production. Occassionally we will alsooffer a public seminar open to the general public to attend. All of these classes are given for free, although the basic and advanced trainings require a membership.
LCTV encourages members to request workshops not currently offered or to make proposals to teach workshops in their areas of expertise. Further, LCTV reserves the right to cancel classes at any time.
Members can be certified to use facilities, check out equipment, and take certain advanced workshops by successfully completing the introduction classes. Members must attend all sessions of a certification course, and meet the standards set by the instructor. LCTV staff reserves the right to request Members to be re-certified in any area, if deemed necessary.
If you are interested in training please reach out to us by sending an email, calling 781-780-9460, or visiting our studio at 181 Union St. in Lynn.
Upcoming Classes
*Please note the basic studio, field, & post-production classes are offered every month, and you are only required to attend one of the days.

Advanced Class: Lighting & Audio for Interviews
In this course students will the learn the fundamentals of how to use our lighting kits and audio to properly capture an interview for your project. We will go over 3 and 4-point lighting setups, different techniques to capture your audio, and more.
This is an Advanced Class offered for free to members of LCTV only. It is limited to the first 10 people to sign up, so please sign up.
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Advanced Class: Intro To Motion
In this class students will learn the basics of Motion to create a lower third. These techniques can then be used to create many other graphics for your production.
This is an Advanced Class offered for free to members of LCTV only, and is limited to the first 5 people to sign up.
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Advanced Class: DSLR Video
In this course students will the learn the fundamentals on how to use a DSLR camera to properly shoot video. We will go over some basic camera functions for the video side of DSLRs and some simple tips on how to make sure your image comes out great.
Classes will be held at LCTV and will require that students completed the "Field Production" class before taking this class. We currently only have 1 DSLR camera, so it is highly recommended to bring a personal camera to class if you have one.
This is an Advanced Class offered for free to members of LCTV only. You will be expected to attend both classes listed below. It is limited to the first 5 people to sign up, so please sign up.
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Advanced Class: Intro to Documentary Filmaking
Over the course of 6 weeks we will cover all stages of production, the history, & philosophies of documentaries. The goal of the class is to complete a short 5-10 minute documentary on a subject of the student's choosing.
This is an Advanced Class offered for free to members of LCTV only. It is limited to the first 6 people to sign up, so please sign up.
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Advanced Class: Social media for show producers
In this course producers of shows will learn how to identify and target potential audiences on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with show pages and show accounts to increase and track viewership. Increase engagement by creating online polls and discussions about your show’s content.
Attendees will be guided through creating/updating their social media accounts and advised on best practices. We will also demonstrate our “Video on Demand” at and explore the option of creating your show’s youtube channel.
This is an Advanced Class offered for free to members of LCTV only. It is limited to the first 10 people to sign up, so please sign up.
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Advanced Class: Intro to Lighting
In this course students will the learn the fundamentals of how to use our lightingkits for interviews & other productions. We will go over 3 & 4 point lighting setups, how to dramatically light a scene, and more.
This is an Advanced Class offered for free to members of LCTV only. It is limited to the first 5 people to sign up, so please sign up.
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