From the Mayor
Fraser Field Renovations in Final Stages
The $1.7 million turf replacement project at Fraser Field is in the final stages, with the first games on...
City Increases Availability of Preschool Seats
The 2023-24 school year will see expanded access through an increased number of available seats in the preschool lottery....
City moving forward with creation of an unarmed response team
The City’s ongoing effort to create an unarmed response team has taken another step forward with the publication of...
City to use cannabis funds to improve traffic signals
The City of Lynn will use approximately $200,000 in cannabis host community agreement funds to improve traffic signals at...
Councilor Buzzy Barton passes away at age 70
Councilor At-Large Gordon "Buzzy" Barton has passed away at the age of 70 after a brief illness.
Designs chosen for Bigbelly Barrels coming to Lynn
Designs from Lynn youth have been chosen for the 75 Bigberlly barrels coming to Lynn, with 21 Lynn students...
EDIC/Lynn purchases Boston Street Medical Building
Yesterday EDIC/Lynn took ownership of the Boston Street Medical building, renewing optimism to keep the VA Clinic in Lynn.
City of Lynn Seeks to Hire Building Custodians
The City of Lynn is hiring several building custodian positions to support the Inspectional Services Department in Lynn Public...
City of Lynn Announces Textile Waste Program
The City of Lynn is partnering with Helpsy to reduce textile waste through an at-home textile collection program &...
City of Lynn to Host Biotechnology Summit Wednesday
Mayor Jared Nicholson and the City, in partnership with BioConnects New England, will host the inaugural Community Leadership Summit...
March 4, 2023 – Winter Storm Information & updates
Official winter Storm Information & updates for March 4, 2023 in the City of Lynn.
City of Lynn, MAPC working on Workforce Development Plan
The City of Lynn is working with the Metropolitan Area Planning Council (MAPC) to develop a Workforce Development Plan...