Lynn Polling Locations | PSA
The City of Lynn has 7 Wards & 9 polling locations. Don’t know where to vote? Check out this...
2019 City of Lynn Election Information | PSA
Janet Rowe (City Clerk & Chief of Election) sat down to give us some information about the upcoming City...
Art | :45 PSA
Art is all around us, especially in Lynn. Art can be a way to let your thoughts & feelings...
Bug Spray | :45 PSA
Don’t you hate mosquitos, flies, & ticks? Well, bug spray can help! This PSA was created by 2019-20 Lynn...
Ocean Pollution | :60 PSA
Plastic & carbon emissions from our vehicles we use every day can end up in the ocean. There’s a...
LCTV’s Community Calendar | :23 PSA
Want to know what’s happening in Lynn? Visit and click on the “Community Calendar” tab We list several...
2018 Early Voting PSA
On this segment from the Oct. 10, 2018 episode of the LCTV News Chief of Elections Janet Rowe goes...
2018 Lynn Election Information for Sept. Primary | PSA
City Clerk & Chief of Elections Janet Rowe speaks to some of the changes in polling locations and absentee...
Don’t leave pets in hot cars | :45 PSA
During the hotter months pets are often left alone in hot cars, which can lead to health problems. This...