The Lynn Public Schools All-City Band’s annual Christmas Caroling fundraiser has returned! Running December 1 – 23 on Fridays, Saturdays, & Sundays this fundraiser aims to raise money for the band. A $50 minimum donation is required, which can be paid via cash, check, or Venmo.
The caroling fundraiser has been happening for at least 20+ years in Lynn. The band and orchestra that perform consist of students from Lynn English, Lynn Classical, Lynn Tech and Frederick Douglass high school.
“My son joined the marching band as a 9th grade saxophone player at Lynn Classical and this is my 1st year joining the Music Boosters. We are hoping to spread the word so that many can enjoy their performance during the holiday season”, said parent helper Amy Kesselman.
If anybody is interested in booking they can reach by text (only) 617-702-4704 or email lpsmusicbooster@gmail.com or manopolip@lynnschools.org. General donations to the Music Boosters are also welcome via Venmo (@Lynnmusicboosters) to help support the program.
The above information was submitted to us by the Lynn Public Schools All-City Band Boosters.
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