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Lynn Rams football, cheer teams looking for donations to get to Nationals

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The Lynn Rams 12U football, 8U cheer, & 12U cheer teams have all made it to Nationals in Naples, Florida but are in need of donations to help get their team down. The Lynn Rams 12U football team recently celebrated a victory over Springfield to bring them to 13-0 and make them New England Region Division Champs. The 8U & 12U cheer teams also took first in the New England Regional Cheerleading Championships at the University of New Hampshire this past weekend.

Donations in any amount can be sent via Cashapp, Venmo, and check and there are other methods below. All donations are due by Monday, November 27th and will go towards covering airfare, hotels, meals etc.

Donation methods

  • Donate via their GoFundMe page
  • Any amount via Cashapp: SLynnRamsYFC
  • Any amount via Venmo: @LynnRamsYFC
  • Jewelry fundraiserCheck out Heart Lynx on facebook and instagram for permanent jewelry with 60% of proceeds going to Lynn Rams – Inbox or click here for appointment 
  • Football Square fundraiser Enter for a chance to win $500. Pick a numbered square 1-100. Each square is $20 for a chance at $500-purchase multiple squares for multiple chances – email
    • Venmo: Tia-Pittman86
    • Cashapp: $tiapittman86 
    • Can also pick up cash/check, please email
The 12U team celebrating their victory over Springfield. Photo courtesy of Lynn Rams FB page.

These kids are the definition of never giving up and showing the moment is never to big for them they never panic they believe in each other and fight for each other I’m so proud of them I’m just lucky to have gotten to say we coached these kids it’s their journey we are just along for the ride and I can’t forget the parents you guys are the backbone to this team they show up and out for every single game and they deal with my shit lol and I know I’m a lot to deal with so again I just like to thank you guys and to my coaching staff Jus Day you believe in these kids and you never had a doubt lol they drove you crazy but you never ever doubted them Paul Beath always keeping it real with them and has been there with me through it all I def wouldn’t be here without you Vincent Marino the kids love you to death your they’re coach as well as there big brother Calvin Johnson you started off the year with us but the cold air got the best of him lol but he never ever stop believing in the kids Ty Mcdonald Ty so much for helping us and Brian Vaughan what you did for me during our football clinics in Atlantic City was the best and I can’t forget about Jamaaly Gee nobody cheers on for the kids like he does no matter what level they are on! 13-0 jobs not finished we still got games left!! Oh yeah that girl on our team is a monster if you think I’m lying ask Springfield two huge sacks!!

Lynn Rams 12U Lead coach James Hunt

Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact President Amy Robinson at 781 632 8202 or Co-President Justin Day 978-394-2525.

The Lynn Rams Organization thanks you in advance for your support. Please let them know if you would like a receipt for your taxes, and one will be provided.s

The above information was sent by the Lynn Rams 12U team.

If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.

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