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Reopening Massachusetts: Baker-Polito Administration Initiates Transition to Third Phase of Four-Phase Approach

The Department of Public Health (DPH) also issued updated guidance to mitigate the spread of COVID-19.
Step One of Phase III:
On May 18, the administration released a four-phased plan to reopen the economy based on public health data, spending at least three weeks in each phase. Key public health data, such as new cases and hospitalizations, have been closely monitored and has seen a decline allowing for Phase III to begin on July 6th. Phase III will begin on July 13 in Boston.
Since mid-April, the 7-day average for the positive COVID-19 test rate is down 94 percent, the 3-day average of hospitalized patients is down 79 percent and the number of hospitals in surge is down 86 percent.
More than 1,000,000 total COVID-19 tests have been administered, and testing continues throughout the state.
The following businesses will be eligible to reopen in Step One of Phase III, subject to industry-specific rules concerning capacity and operations:
- Movie theaters and outdoor performance venues;
- Museums, cultural and historical sites;
- Fitness centers and health clubs;
- Certain indoor recreational activities with low potential for contact;
- Professional sports teams, under the authority of league-wide rules, may hold games without spectators
Full guidance and list of businesses eligible to reopen in Step One of Phase III can be found at www.mass.gov/reopening. Businesses and sectors set to begin opening in Phase III are subject to compliance with all mandatory safety standards.
Revised Gatherings Order:
Under the updated gatherings order, indoor gatherings are limited to eight people per 1,000 square feet, but should not exceed 25 people in a single enclosed, indoor space.
Outdoor gatherings in enclosed spaces are limited to 25 percent of the facility’s maximum permitted occupancy, with a maximum of 100 people in a single enclosed outdoor space. This includes community events, civic events, sporting events, concerts, conventions and more. This order does not apply to outdoor, unenclosed gatherings if proper social distancing measures are possible.
This revised order does not supersede previously issued sector guidance, and is effective beginning Monday, July 6. It will be effective Monday, July 13 in the City of Boston.
Public Health Guidance:
In Phase III, health care providers may continue to provide in-person procedures and services as allowed in Phase II, with the addition of certain group treatment programs and day programs. These programs include adult day health, day habilitation programs, and substance abuse services day treatment and outpatient services. Certain human services programs can reopen including community based day services for adults with intellectual and cognitive disabilities and psychosocial rehabilitation clubhouses.
Health care providers are subject to compliance with all mandatory safety standards, and must continue to utilize prioritization policies established in Phase II for care delivery and scheduling, as well as monitor patient volume for non-essential, elective procedures and services.
Read the full guidance here.
In Phase III, visitation guidelines have been updated for 24/7 congregate care facilities and programs overseen by the Executive Office of Health and Human Services, including the Departments of Developmental Services, Youth Services, Children and Families, Public Health, Mental Health and the Mass Rehabilitation Commission. Offsite visits, including overnight visits, will be allowed, under specific guidelines. Other updated guidelines, including visitation for long term care facilities, will be released later today. Complete visitation guidance is available at www.mass.gov/hhs/reopening.
MassHealth will also extend its current telehealth flexibility through at least the end of the year to ensure member access to critical health care services and encourage continued adherence to preventative public health precautions.
Read about our virtual July 3rd celebration programming tonight at 8PM on TV & online by clicking here.

Lynn United For Change fighting against evictions in MA

From Lynn United For Change: A wave of 20,000 evictions in MA is predicted for late August. But we can stop it! Please call your State Rep & State Senator TODAY. Urge them to support the Housing Stability bill, HD.5166. Look up the name/number for your State Rep + State Senator at www.LynnUnited.org/elect
The Housing Stability bill includes provisions to protect renters from eviction for non-payment related to COVID-19; to halt arbitrary “no fault” evictions and rent increases for 12 months; to prevent foreclosures and provide deferment options for homeowners; and to stabilize landlords with particular emphasis on owner-occupant and small-scale property owners.
For more on the proposed law, the predictions of 20,000 evictions, and to endorse as an organization: https://homesforallmass.netlify.app
To sign a petition as an individual and connect with the movement: www.HousingGuarantee.org (but please make the call, that is most important right now!)
Juneteenth is now officially a Massachusetts state holiday
From State Senator Brendan Crighton: The Massachusetts Senate just passed legislation making Juneteenth Independence Day an official state holiday. This is historic and long overdue. I am honored to have introduced this legislation with State Senator Sonia Chang-Díaz Senator Jo Comerford and Representative Bud L. Williams State Representative Maria Robinson, Representative Chynah Tyler, and State Representative Mindy Domb and thank Senate President Karen E. Spilka and Ways and Means Chairman Senator Michael Rodrigues for their strong support.
We owe a debt of gratitude to Black Americans who have, for centuries, brought attention to and celebrated the anniversary of the emancipation of the last enslaved African Americans in our nation. I deeply appreciate the North Shore Juneteenth Association Inc. for making me personally more aware of the significance of Juneteenth and for their tireless efforts to appropriately commemorate Juneteenth across the North Shore, bringing Juneteenth one step closer to becoming a state holiday.
This is a symbolic—yet significant—moment in Massachusetts’ celebration of the freedom of our fellow African Americans and the acknowledgement that so much work is left to be done until we are all truly free.
If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.