LCTV Programming
Behind the Lens: LCTV News | Promo
Curious what it looks like for us to set up and break down the set for our weekly news...
LCTV Wins Big at Nor’Easter Awards 2024
LCTV is thrilled to announce our success at the 16th annual Nor’Easter Awards being recognized in three categories for...
LCTV Finalist 3 Regional Video Awards (UPDATED)
Exciting news to share: LCTV are finalists in 3 categories of the Nor’Easter Awards! The works being recognized are...
2023 Christmas Eve Parade route, LCTV Holiday Programming announced
The route for the annual Christmas Eve Parade & special programming on LCTV for Christmas Eve & Christmas Day...
2022 Christmas Eve Parade route & LCTV Holiday Programming announced
Below is a interactive Google Map of the annual Christmas Eve Parade that runs throughout Lynn, created by LCTV...
2022 Election Info – Early voting, ward/precinct changes, and more
There are state Elections happening on September 6th (Primary) & Nov. 8th (Final) that citizens in Lynn will have...
Annual Christmas Eve Parade route & Special programming for Christmas Eve & Day
Every year we dedicate all day on Christmas Eve & Day to special programming including classic cartoons, concerts, and...
LCTV seeking community questions for upcoming forums
LCTV would like to involve the community in our upcoming candidate forums for those running for City Council, School...
North Shore Civil War Round Table – 1993
A recording of a North Shore Civil War Roundtable discussion from 1993. During this roundtable a group of reenactors...
North Shore Chapter, Civil War Roundtable – Sculptor Bob Marcotte (Dec 10, 1993)
Recording from the Decmeber 1993 Civil War Roundtable discussion at the Grand Army of The Republic Museum & Hall...
GAR Restoration – June 30, 1985
A special program produced in 1985, highlighting the renovation & restoration efforts for Lynn’s Grand Army of The Republic...
GAR Civil War Roundtables from October 8 & November 12, 1993
Recordings from October & November 1993 of Civil War Roundtable discussions at the Grand Army of The Republic Museum...