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Home / Latest / City of Lynn Provides Summary of Downtown Lynn Parking Study

City of Lynn Provides Summary of Downtown Lynn Parking Study

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The City of Lynn recently conducted the Downtown Lynn Parking Study. The Study sought to optimize Downtown Lynn’s existing parking supply to further support a burgeoning housing market, promote a diverse economy, and position Downtown as a regional destination; many of these goals are emphasized in the Vision Lynn comprehensive plan. Providing numerous parking options for different types of users, such as residents, workers, and visitors, was prioritized. Accessibility and ease of use for users of all backgrounds was evaluated, including integration of the parking system with other types of travel. Streamlined management and enforcement practices, with an eye towards system revenues, was studied. The vision of a welcoming, vibrant, and walkable Downtown Lynn was imparted in each of the Study’s activities.

An existing conditions report was developed which analyzed previous studies and evaluated Downtown travel patterns and demographics. A comprehensive parking data collection exercise was carried out which documented the regulatory status of over 7,500 parking spaces and tracked utilization across typical weekday and weekend time periods. Conversations with City staff yielded insight into operational and management practices. Community engagement involved multiple public meetings, stakeholder conversations, and a public survey.

The outcomes of this effort are a series of recommendations which aim to make parking more widely available for different user types. This can be accomplished by extending (or removing) time limits and using pricing as a means to ensure some degree of parking is available on individual blocks and in municipal lots. The recommendations aim to improve the parking experience for Lynn residents, by providing enhanced permitting options and addressing streetscape deficiencies which prevent users from parking a few minutes away from their destination and walking.

Video Summaries

Recently the City of Lynn & representatives from Stantec gave a video presentation on the findings from the Downtown Lynn Parking Study. This report was broken into 6 sections covered across 4 videos, which detailed key findings from the report and feedback from the community.

Two powerpoint presentations were also made available, which can be found below.

The above information and videos were submitted to us by the City of Lynn and Stantec

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