The text below was taken from the project’s GoFundMe page

The community of Lynn, being led by Lynn youth representing all schools in Lynn, propose a painted street mural of ‘Black Lives Matter’ spanning from Essex Street (starting in front of the court house) and running continuously past Johnson Street to end outside city hall steps.
Black Lives Matter is more than a statement. Painting Black Lives Matter serves as a reminder to the systems that remain in place that we need institutional and systemic change and that the rest of the community has joined together to be heard. In a city whose politicians constantly share in their speeches the diversity of our city as a selling point to attempt to reel more people and businesses into the city, we must stand up for the injustice that have and continue to occur that:
- Our black brothers and sisters murdered at the hands of those that are sworn to protect them
- A system that incarcerates Black people and communities of color at much higher rates and longer sentences
- Systems that incentivize keeping blacks and people of color destitute.
We demand that the elected officials and City departments put their words into action. The community of Lynn will be heard and our community painting Black Lives Matter will send a powerful message of solidarity from the entire Lynn community. This shows your commitment to our Black brothers and sisters. But we will move this project forward. We prefer to do so together and with your assistance as both servants and members of this community.
Placing this mural on the streets of Lynn provides a voice to the voiceless. It is an acknowledgment of the systematic racism that plagues our streets, our community and our nation. Together we can walk the path of change. Together with you, we can be on the right side of history.
Our best,
The Youth of Lynn
If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.