APRIL 13, 2021
See our COVID-19 related posts by clicking here.
Lynn Police Department Body Worn Cam Tele Town Hall recording now avilable

Mayor Tom McGee & the Lynn Police Department held a Tele Town Hall to discuss the new body worn cameras for the city’s police force. The Tele Town Hall was conducted last Tuesday with representatives from both the LPD & the manufacturer of the body worn cameras, AXON. There was also a live translator for Spanish-language listeners.
At the time of the Tele Town Hall body cams were not an active part of the Lynn Police Department, however as of today the body-worn camera program has officially begun. According to the LPD “Officers on the 3rd Division are now wearing the cameras and all patrol officers will have them over the next few weeks.”
During the call it was confirmed that body cams will be fully implemented with all three divisions by April 27th. The policy will also be posted to the LPD website for review. Many topics were covered during the call such as when the cameras activate, how secure the footage is, and more. The full town hall can be viewed on our website by clicking here or watching below.

Find a mass vaccine location near you by clicking here. For phasing details and the most up-to-date vaccination timeline please click here.
For a list of workers currently eligible please click here.
A vaccination site has opened at Lynn Tech for Lynners.
Find out more & watch a video tour by clicking here.
Schedule an appointment by clicking here.

Lynn Public Schools: Transportation Town Hall to be held tonight at 6pm
MassDOT holding virtual Public Information Meetings for the Sumner Tunnel Centennial Project April 27 & 29
These meetings will provide an opportunity for the public to hear an overview of the Sumner Tunnel Centennial Project including project overview, schedule, and traffic impacts. Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions and offer comments. Please note the presentation will be the same at both meetings. Spanish and Arabic interpretation will be available at both virtual meetings.
All residents, abutters, local business owners, and interested commuters are invited to attend. All attendees who sign into the meeting and provide an email address will be entered into the project’s email database to receive project updates. Prior to the meetings, if you have specific questions or concerns for the project team, please email us:
Note: This meeting is accessible to people with disabilities. MassDOT provides reasonable accommodations and/or language assistance free of charge upon request (e.g interpreters in American Sign Language and languages other than English, live captioning, videos, assistive listening devices and alternate material formats), as appropriate. For accommodation or language assistance, please contact MassDOT’s Chief Diversity & Civil Rights Officer by phone at (857) 368-8580, Relay Service at 7-1-1, fax (857) 368-0602 or by email to Requests should be made as soon as possible prior to the meeting, and for more difficult to arrange services including sign-language, CART or language translation or interpretation, requests should be made at least ten business days before the meeting.
Title VI Notice of Nondiscrimination: MassDOT complies with Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related federal and state statutes and regulations. It is the policy of MassDOT to ensure that no person or group of persons shall on the grounds of Title VI protected categories, including race, color, national origin, or under additional federal and state protected categories including sex, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, religion, creed, ancestry, veteran’s status , or background, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be otherwise subjected to discrimination under any program or activity administered by MassDOT. To request additional information about this commitment, or to file a complaint under Title VI or a related nondiscrimination provision, please contact MassDOT’s Title VI Specialist by phone at (857) 368-8580, Relay Service at 7-1-1, fax (857) 368-0602 or by e-mail at
If information is needed in another language, please contact the MassDOT Title VI Specialist by phone at (857) 368-8580.
Caso esta informação seja necessária em outro idioma, favor contar o Especialista em Título VI do MassDOT pelo fone 857-368-8580.
Si necesita información en otro lenguaje, favor contactar al especialista de MassDOT del Título VI al 857-368-8580.
如果需要使用其它语言了解信息,请联系马萨诸塞州交通部(MassDOT)《民权法》第六章专职人员,电话 857-368-8580。
如果需要使用其它語言了解信息,請聯系馬薩諸塞州交通部(MassDOT)《民權法》第六章專職人員,電話 857-368-8580
Tuesday, April 27, 2021 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 889 2113 5782 | Passcode: 860159 | Dial-in option: 888 788 0099
Thursday, April 29, 2021 from 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Meeting ID: 862 2389 6416 | Passcode: 765313 | Dial-in option: 888 788 0099
The above press release was submitted to us by MassDOT.
MBTA Extends Five-day Flex Pass on mTicket; Proposes Youth Pass Improvements and Converting Outer Express Bus Routes to Inner Express Fares
More information on the Youth Pass and Express Bus proposals can be found
The MBTA today announced updates to current fare pilots that include an extension of the Five-day Flex Pass on mTicket as well as upcoming fare change proposals that include improvements to the Youth Pass and converting all Outer Express Bus Routes to Inner Express Bus fares. These changes help to improve reduced fare programs and simplify complex fares for both customers and operations.
“We’re pleased to temporarily extend the availability of the Five-day Flex Pass, which has been a popular fare option for our Commuter Rail riders as travel patterns have adjusted and evolved during the pandemic,” said MBTA General Manager Steve Poftak. “We’re also excited about our upcoming fare proposals that make improvements to the Youth Pass and Express Bus Route fares. If approved by the FMCB next month, these proposals – converting all Outer Express Bus Routes to the lower Inner Express Bus fare, and providing Youth Pass users with reduced fares on Commuter Rail, Express Bus, and ferries – will allow the MBTA to continue to meet the needs of riders through incremental fare improvements that matter now more than ever as we enter the ‘new normal’.”
Fare Pilot Updates
MBTA staff today announced that the Five-day Flex Pass will be extended, the Lynn Zone 1A Fare Pilot will end on June 30, 2021 as previously planned, and Quincy Center Station’s Zone 1A fare designation will end June 30, 2021:
- Five-day Flex Pass: An attractive option for riders with in-person work schedules limited by the pandemic, the Five-day Flex Pass has continued to serve Commuter Rail riders with over 5,600 passes sold through March 2021. The Five-day Flex Pass will continue to be available on mTicket for 90 days following the end of the Commonwealth’s state of emergency.
- Lynn Zone 1A Fare Pilot: Zone 1A fares were piloted in Lynn to relieve crowding on nearby buses and improve social distancing and safety during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on ridership data and surveys of Lynn riders, it was found that the Lynn Zone 1A Fare Pilot has not reduced crowding on nearby bus routes. As a result, this fare pilot will end June 30, 2021, as previously announced with Lynn Station returning to a Zone 2 fare beginning July 1.
- Quincy Center Zone 1A mitigation: Zone 1A fares were temporarily accepted at Quincy Center Station in order to mitigate Red Line service impacts during both the closure of Wollaston Station and North Quincy Garage Development construction. Wollaston was reopened in August 2019, surface parking currently provides sufficient access to North Quincy, and the North Quincy Garage is anticipated to open later in 2021. As a result, Quincy Center Station’s Zone 1A fare designation will end June 30, 2021, with Quincy Center returning to a Zone 1 fare beginning July 1.
Proposed Fare Changes
MBTA Fare Transformation staff today presented two fare change proposals to be voted on by the Fiscal and Management Control Board (FMCB) on May 10, 2021, that aim to benefit nearly 2,200 current Youth Pass participants (about 4,600 pre-pandemic) and to simplify Express Bus fares:
- The Youth Pass Program is a partnership between the MBTA and participating cities and towns that offers young adults with low incomes roughly 50% reduced one-way fares or $30 monthly LinkPasses on the bus and subway. MBTA staff have proposed that the Youth Pass also be valid for reduced fares on Commuter Rail, Express Bus, and ferries. Youth Pass holders are already able to purchase half-price Commuter Rail tickets through a reduced fare pilot that ends on June 30, 2021. This proposed fare change, if approved by the FMCB, would make the Youth Pass Commuter Rail pilot a permanent policy and also provide reduced Express Bus and ferry fares effective July 1, 2021.
- MBTA staff also proposed converting all Outer Express Bus Routes ($5.25 per trip) to Inner Bus fares ($4.25 per trip) effective July 1, 2021. Maintaining a separate fare for a small number of Outer Express Bus Routes has become unnecessarily complicated for riders and bus operators. Due to service changes as a result of the pandemic, the MBTA is currently operating only a single Outer Express route (352/354), which is most recently serving about 100 Outer Express rides per day. The route also serves an Inner Express stop and requires a complicated procedure to avoid overcharging customers. As a result, if approved by the FMCB in May, the MBTA has proposed converting fares for Express Route 352/354 as well as any future Express Bus Routes to the Inner Express fare of $4.25 beginning July 1, 2021.
The public is able to comment on these proposed changes The Title VI analysis will be shared with FMCB and posted to by April 26, 2021.
For more information, please visit or connect with the T on Twitter @MBTA, Facebook /TheMBTA, or Instagram @theMBTA.

From Mayor McGee’s office: The Lynn Public Health Department has confirmed that as of today, the number of active, confirmed positive COVID-19 cases is 399 with 22 new cases today. 16,363 Lynn residents have recovered and 212 have died. The total number of confirmed positive COVID-19 cases in Lynn since March 21, 2020, including those who have died and recovered, is 16,974. Please visit the City of Lynn COVID-19 Data Dashboard which is updated daily.
Pause in Use of Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 Vaccine
Today, out of an abundance of caution, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued a statement regarding the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine recommending a pause in use. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has notified all Massachusetts providers to pause administration of the Johnson & Johnson COVID-19 vaccine, effective immediately.
This decision was made due to 6 people developing rare blood clots, none of which are known to be linked to Massachusetts, out of the over 6.8 million people who have received the J&J Vaccine to date nationwide. Right now, these adverse reactions are extremely rare. Individuals who have received a J&J vaccine should contact their physician if they have concerns.
As of April 12th, 181,034 doses of J&J have been administered in Massachusetts. The CDC will convene a meeting of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) on Wednesday to further review these cases and assess their potential significance. FDA will review that analysis as it also investigates these.
Pfizer and Moderna vaccines will continue to be provided at this time by the Lynn Department of Public Health and Lynn Community Health Center operations. More information will be shared as soon as it is available.
COVID-19 vaccine appointments are available at Lynn Tech Fieldhouse for people who live or work in Lynn & Nahant or are Lynn Community Health Center Patients and meet state eligibility requirements (Massachusetts Phase 1 & Phase 2 Steps 1, 2, 3, 4 & 5: 55 year of age or older or with one or more chronic health conditions, Educators and certain workers. Residents age 75+ may be accompanied by one caregiver who can book an appointment themselves.) Please visit to make an appointment online. Residents without access to the Internet can call 2-1-1 to make an appointment 7 days a week.
If you have a news story that you would like to share, please contact us via email or call 781-780-9460.