DPU’s “Liberation for All” Event Highlighted Fight For Freedom Continues
On July 4th Diverse People United organized Liberation for All, a protest and march that ended in a community gathering.
City of Lynn Independence Day Celebrations & Advisories
The City of Lynn celebrates Independence Day with festivities on July 3rd every year. Please see the article below...
2022 Christmas Eve Parade route & LCTV Holiday Programming announced
Below is a interactive Google Map of the annual Christmas Eve Parade that runs throughout Lynn, created by LCTV...
Photos: Concerned Citizens of Lynn Toy Drive and Photos with Santa at LCTV on Nov. 21, 2022
On November 21, 2022 LCTV & sponsor-members Concerned Citizens of Lynn (CCoL) teamed up for a Santa picture and...
Concerned Citizens of Lynn collecting for 2022 toys and clothes drive
Concerned Citizens of Lynn is continuing their annual tradition of collecting toys, clothes, and more for families in need.
Mayor honors veterans at Life Care Center of the North Shore
On Nov. 11, Mayor Jared Nicholson joined Life Care Center of the North Shore, a skilled nursing and rehabilitation...